Q1) 你參與了推行中的固體垃圾徵費 屋苑試點計劃嗎?
Are you currently participating in the municipal solid waste (MSW) charging pilot scheme?
是(到Q6) yes(go to Q6)
否(到Q2) no(go to Q2)
Q2) 你願意參與都市固體垃圾徵費計劃嗎?
Are you willing to join the waste charging scheme?
願意(到Q3) yes(go to Q3)
不願意(到Q4) no(go to Q4)
Q3) 為甚麼?(可選多於一項)
Why? (select all that apply)
對日常生活影響不大 effects caused on daily life are minor
希望紓緩堆填區壓力 would like to relief the pressure of landfills
希望提高市民的環保意識 would like to raise the public awareness if protecting the environment
其他 other

Q4) 為甚麼?(可選多於一項)
Why not? (select all that apply)
不想繳交垃圾徵費 do not want to pay the fee for waste disposal
造成沉重經濟負擔 may cause a heavy financial burden
造成不便(如: 需使用專用垃圾袋) cause inconvenience in daily life (e.g. using designated garbage bags)
不關心環境保護 do not care about the environment
其他 other

Q5) 你認為垃圾徵費計劃具使市民減少丟棄垃圾的成效嗎?
Do you agree that waste charging are effective in decreasing the amount of waste produced by residents?
非常同意 Very agree 同意 Agree 中立 Neutral 不同意 Disagree 非常不同意 Very disagree
Q6) 你採取了甚麼行動配合垃圾徵費試點計劃?(可選多於一項)
What actions did you take after joining the Pilot Scheme? (select all that apply)
減少製造垃圾 reduce amount of waste produced
避免使用即棄物品 avoid using disposable products
垃圾分類及回收 resort garbage and recycling
沒有採取特別行動 no specific actions taken
其他 other

Q7) 當垃圾徵費計劃正式推行時,你會繼續參與嗎?
Will you continue to join the domestic MSW charging scheme when it is officially implemented?
會(到Q8) yes(go to Q8)
不會(到Q9) no(go to Q9)
Q8) 為甚麼?(可選多於一項)
Why? (select all that apply)
對日常生活影響不大 effects caused on daily life are minor
希望紓緩堆填區壓力 would like to relief the pressure of landfills
希望提高市民的環保意識 would like to raise the public awareness if protecting the environment
其他 other

Q9) 為甚麼?(可選多於一項)
Why not? (select all that apply)
不想繳交垃圾徵費 do not want to pay the fee for waste disposal
造成沉重經濟負擔 may cause a heavy financial burden
造成不便(如: 需使用專用垃圾袋) cause inconvenience in daily life (e.g. using designated garbage bags)
不關心環境保護 do not care about the environment
其他 other

Are you satisfied with the current management of the Pilot Scheme in your estate?
滿意 yes
不滿意(到Q11) no(go to Q11)
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