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Exit Survey
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey of your impressions of several of the initiatives we’ve undertaken in the past year. Your input will help us to make even better use of our time and energy in the year ahead. Thank you for contributing in this way to the success of our Club. –Deb Kaczmarek, MRW president
Email Address
GOAL #1—To Increase Members’ Involvement in MRW Projects
Initiative #1—Jeannette Money (aka “Spare Change Brings Big Change”)
Rationale: Members’ interest in supporting our projects is sometimes thwarted by a lack of time or by simple forgetting. We can provide an easy, fun opportunity to assist financially—even in a small way—and at the same time honor iconic member Jeannette Weir.
Cost of the initiative: less than $30
This initiative/project is a reasonable approach to achieving this Club goal.
My personal involvement in this initiative/project up to now is best described as:
I take part regularly.
I have participated a few times.
I choose not to participate.
How effective has this initiative/project been in advancing the Club goal?
Very effective
Reasonably effective
Not effective
The Club should continue this initiative/project.
Initiative #2—Pizza, Beer & Politics Events
Rationale: Members who cannot regularly attend Saturday breakfast meetings may attend evening events in a less formal setting.
Cost of the initiative: approximately a break-even situation, thanks to donations by members and their families
This initiative/project is a reasonable approach to achieving this Club goal.
My personal involvement in this initiative/project up to now is best described as:
I was involved in organizing and/or putting on this initiative/project.
I take part regularly.
I have participated a few times.
I have not participated. (Please circle the reason for your non-participation.)
If you answered D to the last question, please let us know the reason for your non-participation. (Select all that apply)
The time was inconvenient
The location was inconvenient.
I did not find the program interesting.
The event was too costly.

How effective has this initiative/project been in advancing the Club goal?
Very effective
Reasonably effective
Not effective
The Club should continue this initiative/project even if costs rise from current level.
Initiative #3—Credit card payment option for meetings and events
Rationale: Being responsive to members’ payment preferences might encourage participation.
Cost of this initiative: 2.5% credit card fee per transaction
This initiative/project is a reasonable approach to achieving this Club goal.
My personal involvement in this initiative/project up to now is best described as:
I use the credit card option regularly.
I have used the option a few times.
I choose not to participate.
How effective has this initiative/project been in advancing the Club goal?
Very effective
Reasonably effective
Not effective
The Club should continue this initiative/project.
GOAL #2—To Increase Member Connectedness and Improve Member Retention
Initiative #1—Revamp and update MRW website
Rationale: It is important for the Club to have an appealing web presence and to use the internet to publicize the club and its activities and to maintain contact with all members, including those who spend part of the year in other parts of the country and those who have discontinued their membership.
Cost of this initiative: web design was donated by a generous, talented member; hosting fees run about $7.00 per month.
This initiative/project is a reasonable approach to achieving this Club goal.
My personal involvement in this initiative/project up to now is best described as:
I was involved in organizing and/or putting on this initiative/project.
I visit the website regularly.
I have visited the website a few times.
I have not used the website.
I have contributed material for posting on the website.
If you answered D to the last question, please select the answer(s) that describe why you do not use the website.
I don’t have computer access.
I wasn’t aware we had a website.
I don’t think the website will have information I need/want.

How effective has this initiative/project been in advancing the Club goal?
Very effective
Reasonably effective
Not effective
The Club should continue this initiative/project.
Initiative #2—Founders’ Day Social
Rationale: An informal social event to honor MRW’s founding members with the hope of building relationships among current members and their spouses/significant others and former members for whom we have contact information
Cost of this initiative: still to be determined
This initiative/project is a reasonable approach to achieving this Club goal.
My personal involvement in this initiative/project up to now is best described as:
I was involved in organizing and/or putting on this initiative/project.
I attended the event
I did not attend the event
If you did not attend the event, please select the answer(s) that best describe why you did not.
The event was at a date or time that didn’t work for me.
The event was too far away.
The event was too costly.
The event didn’t seem important or appealing to me.

How effective has this initiative/project been in advancing the Club goal?
Very effective
Reasonably effective
Not effective
The Club should continue this initiative/project.
Goal #3—Improving Members’ Political Skills
Initiative #1—Dedicate a portion of four Saturday meetings to caucus preparation and an entire meeting to caucus training
Rationale: Members cannot be effective in the political process unless they participate in the “first rung” of that process; educating members about the caucus system will make members more willing to take part in that entry level of the political process and assure a greater representation of members at BPOU, CD and State conventions.
Cost of this initiative: none
This initiative/project is a reasonable approach to achieving this Club goal.
My personal involvement in this initiative/project up to now is best described as:
I helped with club activities aimed at encouraging caucus participation and/or helped organize my precinct for caucuses.
I attended my precinct caucus.
I was a delegate/alternate to my BPOU (senate district) convention.
I was a delegate/alternate to the State convention.

If you attended your precinct caucus, which of these apply to you (select all that apply).
This was my first precinct caucus.
I convened my precinct caucus.
I was elected a precinct officer.

How effective has this initiative/project been in advancing the Club goal?
Very effective
Reasonably effective
Not effective
The Club should continue this initiative/project.
Initiative #2—Undertake a pilot project in which MRW members of a single BPOU (SD 57—Rosemount/Apple Valley) collaborate with SD executive committee to host a social event for newly-elected precinct officers of that BPOU
Rationale: Hosting gatherings of Republican activists within BPOUs would enhance the visibility of our organization and connect our members with the party structure at the grass roots level, with the potential benefit of strengthening that party structure by encouraging social ties among newly-elected precinct leaders.
Cost of this initiative: none (SD 57 MRW members donated food and beverage items.)
This initiative/project is a reasonable approach to achieving this Club goal.
My personal involvement in this initiative/project up to now is best described as:
I was involved in organizing and/or putting on this initiative/project.
I attended the event.
I did not attend the event.
If you did not attend the event, please select the answer that best describes why you did not.
The event was at a date or time that didn’t work for me.
The event did not involve my BPOU
The event didn’t seem important or appealing to me.

How effective has this initiative/project been in advancing the Club goal?
Very effective
Reasonably effective
Not effective
The Club should continue this initiative/project.
Goal #4—Improving the MRW and Republican Party “Brand” (image)
Initiative #1—Encourage members’ regular use of and contribution to the MRW Facebook page by promoting the site on programs, bookmarks, brochures, business cards and by featuring photos of club activities on the site.
Rationale: The Club needs a media presence. Photos of our members engaged in club activities and projects will combat negative stereotypes of Republican women.
Cost of this initiative: none; a member volunteer oversees the Club’s presence on Facebook
This initiative/project is a reasonable approach to achieving this Club goal.
My personal involvement in this initiative/project up to now is best described as:
I have contributed material to the Facebook page.
I visit MRW’s Facebook page regularly.
I have visited the Facebook page a few times.
I have not visited the Facebook page.
Please select the answer that most closely explains why you do not visit the Facebook page.
I don’t have computer access.
I wasn’t aware we had a Facebook page.
I don’t think the website will have information I need/want.

How effective has this initiative/project been in advancing the Club goal?
Very effective
Reasonably effective
Not effective
The Club should continue this initiative/project.
Initiative #2—Design and distribute MRW logo-enhanced items (fliers, bookmarks, business cards, brochures, shopping bags, bags of jelly beans, etc.) to members and friends.
Rationale: Seeing attractive, pleasant, involved members of the community wearing/carrying/using MRW items will lead others to discount negative stereotypes of Republican women and will further increase the “visibility” of the Club.
Cost of this initiative: none; fliers and shopping bags were designed by a volunteer members and paid for by member donations, as were jelly beans distributed to delegates and alternates at CD2 and State conventions. (Profits earned from jelly bean sales were donated to the State Federation.) Printing of bookmarks and business cards has again been done without charge.
This initiative/project is a reasonable approach to achieving this Club goal.
My personal involvement in this initiative/project up to now is best described as:
I helped design and/or distribute promotional materials.
I use or have given away MRW fliers, brochures, bookmarks, business cards, and/or shopping bags.
I have not participated.
How effective has this initiative/project been in advancing the Club goal?
Very effective
Reasonably effective
Not effective
The Club should continue this initiative/project, even if costs are incurred in future.
Initiative #3—Collecting toiletries and personal care items for the women of a local domestic violence shelter
Rationale—Simple charitable efforts in the local community can increase the visibility of our Club and counteract negative stereotypes of Republican women.
Cost of this initiative: none
This initiative/project is a reasonable approach to achieving this Club goal.
My personal involvement in this initiative/project is best described as:
I helped to organize the collection.
I contributed to the collection.
I did not participate.
Please select the answer that best explains why you did not participate.
I forgot about the collection.
I did not attend the meeting at which the collection was taken up.
I didn’t know about the collection.

How effective has this initiative/project been in advancing the Club goal?
Very effective
Reasonably effective
Not effective
The Club should continue this initiative/project.
Goal #5—Increasing MRW’s “Fun Factor”
Initiative #1—Organizing a Mega-Prize Drawing for Twins tickets for four, limousine service and gift card
Rationale—to expand on members’ obvious enjoyment of the door prize drawings that are part of every meeting by putting together a blockbuster prize to be awarded at the final meeting of the year—and perhaps end up with some profit that can be used for Club expenses
Cost of this project: As to the prize itself, the Club paid only for the gift card portion of this prize ($100-$150 range); all other items were donated by generous members or by family of our members.
This initiative/project is a reasonable approach to achieving this Club goal.
My personal involvement in this initiative/project is best described as:
I helped to organize the drawing.
I purchased and/or sold tickets for the drawing.
I did not participate.
If you did not participate, please select the answer that best explains why you did not participate.
I didn’t know about the drawing.
I did not attend the meetings at which tickets were available.
The tickets were too expensive.
How effective has this initiative/project been in advancing the Club goal?
Very effective
Reasonably effective
Not effective
The Club should continue this initiative/project even if future costs rise.
Thank you for participating in this survey. Please feel free to use the box below to make specific suggestions about what we can do to make MRW an organization that serves you and the Republican cause more effectively.