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Dear participant,

With the increasing usage of Social Media platforms and how the Web 2.0 has changed the Internet the past few years, I wonder how companies are utilizing these tools for recruitment purposes. Do Human Resources departments use Social Media tools for recruitment and which platforms do they use? Have companies benefitted from these platforms and what they’ve found to be an advantage or a disadvantage to them.

I would like explore these answers in my mini case study.
My name is Anna-Melina Derghokasian and I am currently studying my Master’s degree in Information Communication Technology for Development. This questionnaire will be acting as a data collecting method for my mini case study research for the Scientific Communication and Research Methodology course. The results will help me determine whether companies are able to Social Media platforms efficiently for recruitment purposes.

This informed consent sheet concerns the participation and completion of this questionnaire made by Anna-Melina Derghokasian. This survey is completely anonymous and will remain completely confidential. I want to thank you in advance for your cooperation. If any question arise, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Thank you.

Anna-Melina Derghokasian
Student of DSV in Stockholm University

To continue, please accept the participation terms.
Does your company make use of Web 2.0 applications, such like Social Media platforms for recruitment purposes?
No. Why not?
Which Social Media platform does your Human Resources department use for recruitment purposes the most?
Business-oriented platforms (e.g LinkedIn)
Social-oriented platforms (e.g Facebook)
Neither. Why not?

For what purposes does your Human Resources department use Social Media platforms for recruitment purposes?
Other. Please specify:

What percentage of your Human Resources department is covered by Social Media platform recruitment?
How often does your Human Resources department make use of Social Media platforms for the activities below?
Daily Weekly Monthly Seldomly Never
Posting a job
Branding / Marketing
Active Recruitment
How successful does your Human Resources department find using Social Media platforms for recruitment?
Very successful successful little successful no success no usage N/A
Google plus
Does you Human Resources department use Twitter for recruitment purposes?
Yes. Why?
No. Why?
Why does your Human Resources department use Social Media platforms? You can choose multiple answers, but please specify in more detail below.
Popularity of Social Media
Information quality of candidates
Effects of networking
Ease of navigation
Diversity of candidates
Quality of applicants
Target group
Please specify your answers:

How important do you think the following Social Media platforms will be in the next few years?
Very Important Important Stay the same Not very important Not important N/A
Google plus