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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* I was bothered by things that usually don't bother me
Rarely or none of the time
Some of little of the time
Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time
Most or all of the time
* I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing
Rarely or none of the time
Some of little of the time
Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time
Most or all of the time
* I felt depressed
Rarely or none of the time
Some of little of the time
Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time
Most or all of the time
* I felt that everything I did was an effort
Rarely or none of the time
Some of little of the time
Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time
Most or all of the time
* I felt hopeful about the future
Rarely or none of the time
Some of little of the time
Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time
Most or all of the time
* I felt fearful
Rarely or none of the time
Some of little of the time
Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time
Most or all of the time
* My sleep was restless
Rarely or none of the time
Some of little of the time
Occasionally or a moderate amount of the time
Most or all of the time