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Since when have you had a professional interest in Greek-Turkish relations? (Date)
Choose how much you agree or disagree with the following sentences:
I Strongly Disagree I Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree I Agree I Totally Agree
The media companies in your country follow an obvious and specific political line.
You feel obliged to follow the political line of the medium you are working for.
The journalistic content leads to putting pressure on the government in matters of Foreign Policy.
In your opinion, which of the following is the main source of information for the media regarding Greek-Turkish bilateral relations? (You can select more than one)
Government officials of your country
Government officials of the other country
Media resources of your country
Media resources of the other country
Other (explain)

Which of the following is, in your opinion, the prime factor that sets the Foreign Policy agenda in your country?
International Organizations (e.g. EU, NATO)
Public Opinion
Other (Explain)
Choose how much you agree or disagree with the following sentences:
I Strongly Disagree I Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree I Agree I Totally Agree
The state/government has a clear official position in Foreign Policy matters and expects the media to follow it.
As far as Foreign Policy issues are concerned you feel you have to follow the line drawn by the government of your country when covering a story.
The Media have the power to "legitimize" the Foreign Policy of the Government in the eyes of the public.
The Media have the power to "de-legitimize" the Foreign Policy of the Government in the eyes of the public.
When you cover a story, you consult with other colleagues and you come up with a common way of approaching it.
You have observed a change in the Foreign Policy or the rhetoric of the government on a matter, following published suggestions/opinions in the Media.
The Media are the main institution that exercises democratic control of government Foreign Policy.
The meetings/discussions/negotiations on bilateral issues have to be open to the Media.
The meetings/discussions/negotiations on bilateral issues can benefit from the Media presence.
The Media have a duty to follow the official state line in Foreign Policy matters.
The Media have the power to construct reality.
The Media have the capacity to create sets of ideas and stereotypes.
The repetition of a position through the Media leads to it being considered as true by the public.
Do you invoke the national interest of your country when writing about bilateral relations?
How often do you think the following are true in your country?
Never Sometimes Often Always
In Foreign Policy matters there is a consensus among the country's Media Organizations.
In Foreign Policy matters there is a consensus among the country's Media Workers (journalists, columnists).
Media get feedback/complaints/comments from their audience.
Media take under consideration the feedback they are getting from their public.
The public opinion puts pressure on the Media for their approaches on Foreign Policy issues.
When a Medium deviates from its usual stance towards a Foreign Policy issue, its sales drop.
Who defines the concepts of "national interest" and "national threats/enemies" of your country? (state, media, etc.) How are these concepts defined? Please explain.
How do Media in Greece and/or Turkey influence Foreign Policy formulation regarding Greek-Turkish Relations in your opinion?
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