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1. What is your job title?
2. What is your explanation of meaningful working life?(5 items)
何謂有意義的工作生活? (最多5項)
Bring up contribution to society 對社會有貢獻
Working in interested profession於感興趣的行業發展
Good salary & High authority高薪厚職
Esteem and admiration from others得到別人尊重&讚賞
Gain satisfaction 得到滿足感
Good working environment良好的工作環境
Good interpersonal relationship人際關係良好

3. What do you expected to obtain from a meaningful work? (sequential choose 1-6)
你希望在一份有意思的工作中獲得什麼? (排序1-6)
Experience & technique 經驗及技能
Interpersonal relationship人際關係
Social position 社會地位
Others(Please specify) 其他(請註明) 請 註 明:
4. How a meaningful work affects your life ?(sequential choose 1-6)
More happiness 提昇開心指數
More power有生活動力
Reduce complaint減少怨氣
Good image加強形象
Others(Please specify) 其他(請註明) 請 註 明:
5. How do you reach your ideal meaningful working life? (sequential choose 1-5)
如何達到心目中有意義的工作生活? (排序1-5)
Improve education & technical ability提升教育程度/技能
Good communication with supervisor and colleagues與上事及同事有效的溝通
Develop career with interest在自己有興趣的行業中發展
Try different position to realize the suitable type of career嘗試不同崗位找尋理想的工作範疇?
Others (Please specify) 其他(請註明) 請 註 明:
6. Please mark how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.(同意的程度)
strongly disagree disagree Mildly Disagree Mildly Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Consult their employees before final work decisions are made(做決定前咨詢相關員工的意見)
Develop and maintain a positive working atmosphere among their employees(發展一個正面的工作氣份)
Allow participation of their employees in important decisions(給予員工參予重要的決策)
Offer opportunities for employee training and advancement(提供訓練及昇職機會)
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