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* what kind of investments  do you prefer the most?
saving account
fixed deposit
mutual funds
real estate

while investing your money,which factor do you prefer the most?
low risk
high return
company reputation
Have you ever invested your money in mutual funds?
if yes,

where do you find yourself in knowledge about mutual funds?
totally ignorant
partial knowledge
aware only of specific scheme where you invested
fully aware
 if yes,In which kind of mutual you would like to invest?
how do you come to know about Mutual Fund?
peer group
financial adviser

Which mutual fund scheme have you used
open ended
close ended
liquid fund
mid cap
growth fund
regular income fund
long cap
sector fund

if no,invested in mutual fund then why?
not aware of mutual funds
high risk
not specific reason
Please rank (1-5) feature of the mutual funds allure you most?
Better return and safety
Reduction in risk and transaction cost
Regular Income
Tax benefit