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Venturing out in the on-line internet business as a 71 year old grandma is exciting and rewarding.   There is so much negativity going on now that I thought one way to share messages of encouragement or what I call “loving tweets” is to put words of encouragement on hoodies, t-shirts, tote bags. 
I would appreciate your feedback so I can improve my on-line website store.  Please review my site “Loving Tweets” and answer the following questions.
 Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below. Thank you. 
1. What were your first impressions about:
a. The name?
b. The color scheme?
c. The layout?
d. Are the words to small or hard to read?
2. Was it easy to find items you were interested in?
3. What other colors or styles would you like? Comments/Suggestions:
4. Do the items need a better description (what would make an item more compelling to you) Comments/Suggestions:
5. What other categories would you suggest in addition to Teachers, Grandpa You Rock, Grandma You Rock, Tweets for Granddaughter, Tweets for Grandson, i.e., nurses, firemen, veterans, artists, professors, hair stylist, even pets (they are family to and need love) Comments/Suggestions:
6. What other items would you like such as backpacks, cell phone covers, towels, mugs, baby items, etc? Please list. Comments/Suggestions:
7. Would you be interested in a special design and order for your school, church, event (5K run)? If it is your school logo I would need permission to use it. I could not use a logo that has a copy write. Send me an email at [email protected] and we can discuss. Comments/Suggestions:
8. Please suggest original encouraging words, your quote or sayings (I can’t quote someone else)
9. Please help me design a hat for fanatic football fans and one for veterans and I would give one away for free to the first 20 people who purchased an item for my website store. Comments/Suggestions: