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Please Enter Your Full Name
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
How likely are you to recommend LinkedIn as a sales tool to other sales professionals?
Very UnlikelyVery Likely
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
* Please Select One
If your use of Sales Navigator ended, how would you be impacted in the following categories?
No Impact Little Impact Moderate Impact Significant Impact
Severe Impact
* Discovering insights on influencers and decision makers
* Identifying key influencers and decision makers not found elsewhere
Obtaining warm introductions/referrals
* Reconnecting with a previously inactive accounts
* Accelerating deal cycles
* Finding new potential clients
* Securing meetings
* Generating opportunities
* Upselling existing deal sizes
* Closing deals
* As a result of LinkedIn Sales Navigator, I have... (select all that apply)
Discovered insights on key influencers and decision makers not found elsewhere
Identified key influencers and decision makers
Asked for an introduction/referral
Reconnected with a previously inactive account
Accelerated a deal cycle
Found a new prospect
Secured a meeting
Generated an opportunity
Received automated insights
Followed up on a saved lead
Upsold an existing deal size
Closed a deal

How many prospects/leads has LinkedIn Sales Navigator helped you find?
Are there any other benefits you have received from LinkedIn Sales Navigator that you would like to share?
* Would you recommend that your company invests in LinkedIn Sales Navigator for you to use going forward? 
* If no, please explain why
What other areas of TRAINING would you like to receive? 
* Do you think PointDrive will be beneficial in your sales process? If yes - in what way?