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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* 1. When the phone rings do you
a. hurry to get to it first
b. hope someone else will answer first
* 2. Are you more
a. observant
b. introspective
* 3. Is it worse to
a. have your head in the clouds
b. be in a rut
4. With people are you usually more
a. firm
b. gentle
5. Are you more comfortable in making
a. critical judgements
b. value judgements
6. Is clutter in the workplace something you
a. take time to straighten up
b. tolerate pretty well
7. Is it your way to
a. make up your mind quickly
b. pick and choose at some length
8. Waiting in line, do you often
a. chat with others
b. stick to business
9. Are you more
a. sensible than ideational
b. ideational than sensible
10. Are you more interested in
a. what is actual
b. what is possible