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Exit Survey

This program has been designed to be an immediate and always available/accessible reference guide/interactive solution creator for anyone and everyone to use during our work day in order to get some comfort as well as perspective and creative enjoyment in our work environment and our work relationships. Answer just a few simple questions to start off and if needed see the notes that help explain more about answers and options as you go along, and you will be on your way to getting the most out of your time. You can use these questions in order to work thru a process of self discovery and refresh your perspective on your current work experience and/or arrive at a good next step out of any place of stuckness in which you find yourself professionally today/this week/this month/this year! There are pages with links to help you go directly to any area of your job or your work with which you need to begin but to begin, please read the following in order to familiarize yourself with this program and to go slowly and thoughtfully forward.

Your question responses are not recorded after you logout but are available for you to review during the current session at any time by hitting the back buttons. The answers at which you arrive are only for you and are only seen by you, not to be saved and interpreted by anyone else. Since these questions are about your relationship with others and yourself, it is probably best if you keep this process private. If at all possible get to a private and/or quiet place where you can take time to feel and think thru the answers to these questions. You can stop at any time and end this process/delete info on the screen so that no one will access it without your permission. Even the icon/name shown on your phone or computer can be customized so as to keep this process private from coworkers or bosses or even friends with whom you do not want to advertise your interest in a thorough but private interactive work or job assessment. Also adjustable are the volume settings for sound, as well as a timer to set that will allow you to return to work w/o getting lost in a particular effort and lose track of the time.
How much time can you actually afford to allocate today to:
either your Closed Eyes Take a Break session
your Open Eyes Interactive Processing session?

NOTE: You can choose either Open or Closed Eyes methods after you indicate your time limit selection for today below - this first question is one of accountablility to your workplace and others around you by deciding exactly how long you have today before a reminder message/tone will alert you to return to your work day or other activities. The program will close at the end of the time chosen unless you choose to extend your session at that time. Also you will have a chance to produce a one time (not stored in the application or anywhere else) emailed report of your results for any Eyes Open processing.
B.M.O.R. Brief Meditation or Relaxation. The.B.M.O.R. option is simply a 4 minute repeating audio/visual experience which includes basic affirming statements set to relaxing music. Click here and choose from a list of themes (program will shut off after 4 minutes. Longer meditations and all Open Eyes Interactive Feelings/Thoughts processing sessions begin at 5 minutes minimum before program closes)
5 minutes
6 minutes
7 minutes
8 minutes
9 minutes
10 minutes
12 minutes
15 minutes
20 minutes
25 minutes
30 minutes
Lets start with mood measurement and/or a check on your intended effort for this time. The wonderful thing about this program is that you can use it to take a break and just relax and/or you can also do some strategizing or lessons learned work as well. Although many of us simply need and eventually will learn to enjoy the help offered here in taking a break from our "job mind", we may avoid that option out of legitimate fears about today's work, today's reactivity on our parts or the parts of others, or our own job security i.e. financial and professional futures. However, we believe it is important to take regular time to nurture our soul and spirit by taking an honest break from trying to figure anything out or from understanding everything and rather make a space to just be. Sometimes we need some of both being and reframing/deciding but lets see what is best for you today.

Ideally you will probably need some privacy or to get in the right frame of mind in order to become comfortable or focused enough to enter into this process. This process is designed to be accessed during our work day or with others in public. That is not always, but can be, a problem if we likely want or need to keep our process private. Ear buds or headphones even in only one of our ears can help us to experience calm whilst in the middle of other activity if need be. (NOTE: While we acknowledge that earbuds/headphones are a way to experience parts of this program, we STRONGLY SUGGEST that you refrain from all city walking or operating equipment or walking in any busy area with earbuds or headphones in use as these may prevent you from responding to hazards or others and as such may cause injury or even death if hearing is blocked while out in the world or in any busy environment. Please be very careful with your use of headphones/ear buds as this program engages feelings and work realities at a deep level and therefore must not distract the user from their immediate environment!) Below are some options for creating the space and the time to comfortably catch a break from our jobs or people around us without drawing attention or being noticed for doing so.
  • - If you have a stand alone office with a door, and closing your door will not attract too much attention, then close the door. (If you have no windows where fellow workers can see inside, then you can use ear buds/headphones and simply close your eyes and take a meditation break for between 1 and 30 min.)
  • - Or if you are in a cubicle or semi public desk, turn your phone or monitor away so that others cannot see it.
  • - Or take a walk just down the hall outside your office or to another floor perhaps.
  • - Or sometimes individual floors or the first floor of a building have a lobby or couch/meeting area etc you can use to take a break from coworkers.
  • - Or if weather is acceptable and your schedule or work deadlines permit take a walk outside or find a bench or table at which to sit.
  • - If absolutely necessary, you can take your smart phone into the rest room but turn off any volume and be sure to keep devices safely away from water.

Once you are in a safe place to take a break and/or to enjoy this program privately for a few minutes at least, then please proceed with the following starter question:

EYES OPEN EXERCISE: Are you interested in working towards insights via answering questions today? After any insight process point, there will be a useful quote to ponder or lessons learned moment to be able to enjoy before going any further. The length of the exercise will be limited to your choice of minutes in the previous question.

EYES CLOSED EXERCISE: Are you wanting to leave out most thinking and just take a relaxing break?  We will simply engage in a time tailored guided meditation for even as little as 1 min up to 30 min depending on what time limit you selected in the previous question.
I want to answer some questions and think about my workplace issues today.
I would like to simply take a break and relax for from 5 all the way up to 30 min of guided message "vacation" from Work energy..
Looking over or reviewing your most distressing or discomfort producing issue (what is it that is blocking you from productively working today?) regarding your work or your work relationships, or perhaps simply whichever issue you would like to work on today, which one of the following statements would you say represents most of your problem achieving a feeling of comfort or emotional/mental balance in your work?

My work balance or serenity is off because I am out of harmony with one or more individuals in my life (both WORK or PERSONAL relationships can be processed next) This would include such issues as unresolved feelings of guilt or resentment or fears of reactivity regarding a particular person or persons in either my work or personal life. Or Taking the Work Towards a Positive Vision Approach: Today I am wanting to get to a place of ease or relaxed awareness in my work regarding my interactions or specific relationships rather than over reactivity or upset around particular people today.
My work balance or serenity is off because I am experiencing specific fears, either rational or irrational, personal or professional. (for example a specific work project is upsetting me or I have heard a rumor that our company will be laying off workers or even a fear not related to my job per se is causing me to be upset and unproductive/not in tune with my job today.)
My work balance or serenity is off because I am out of harmony with myself and need to clarify how and/or why that is happening.
or I am experiencing fear that is keeping me from my work (this includes either rational or irrational fears)
or I am feeling shame or out of place and not of value at my work or not of value to others in my organization today.
or I am not sure what my current mood or thoughts/feelings are that have led me to this process right now
or I need to reach out to others/guides/friends etc in order to not be alone with these feelings/thoughts at this time
Which one of the following would you say describes your current mood or thoughts/feelings?

I am feeling emotional/physical discomfort but I don't know why
I am uncomfortable or upset but I believe that I do know why
I am not necessarily uncomfortable but I am curious or need to clarify something at this time
I am not sure what my current mood or thoughts/feelings are that have led me to this process right now
I need to reach out to others/guides/friends etc in order to not be alone with these feelings/thoughts at this time
Which one of the following would you say describes your current mood or thoughts/feelings?

I am feeling emotional/physical discomfort but I don't know why
I am uncomfortable or upset but I believe that I do know why
I am not necessarily uncomfortable but I am curious or need to clarify something at this time
I am not sure what my current mood or thoughts/feelings are that have led me to this process right now
I need to reach out to others/guides/friends etc in order to not be alone with these feelings/thoughts at this time
How interested are you in the following features of this service? Select all that apply.

Which of the following factors would increase your likelihood of purchasing our service? Select all that apply.
Better service quality
More benefits
Better customer service
Flexibility in time commitment
Better payment plan

Are you currently engaged in a similar service with another organization?
How often do you use this similar service?
I do not use a similar service
Please indicate your level of satisfaction with your current service.
Very Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied
Who makes the purchase decisions?
A family member
My business
What features can we add to our service to better align it with your interests?