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The Educational Foundation for the Emerging Theatre Professional

My name is Erich P Covey and I am a student in the MA in Theatre program at the University of Arizona in Tucson. For my masters thesis I am looking at how Emerging Musical Theatre professionals are being prepared at the College/University level, and at the expectations Musical Theatre professionals have for performers. From these two “snap-shots,” I hope to determine what higher education programs are doing particularly well and where there might be gaps.

You received this survey because you are respected industry professional who is in a position to hire these emerging Musical Theatre professionals. Fifty industry professionals have been selected for this study.

An Institutional Review Board responsible for human subjects research at The University of Arizona reviewed this research project and found it to be acceptable, according to applicable state and federal regulations and University policies designed to protect the rights and welfare of participants in research.

A separate survey is being sent to program coordinators for undergraduate Musical Theatre programs in post-secondary educational institutions.

This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Arizona.

Here are some things you need to know about your participation:

 Your participation is entirely voluntary.

 You may choose to answer all the questions, some of the questions, or decline participation.

 I do not foresee any risks in your participation. No information collected will be reported to anyone who might have authority over you.

 All data will be maintained in a password secure program, QuestionPro. Data will be destroyed once the thesis is complete.

 There will probably not be any direct benefits to you from your participation except that your answers may cause you to reflect on your program and gain new insights.

 Comments you make in the survey might be quoted in the thesis.

 There is no cost to you except your time—it will take about 20 minutes to complete this form. Your decision to complete and submit this survey will be interpreted as an indication of your consent to participate.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (520) 461-6623 or [email protected]. You can also obtain further information from my faculty advisor Laura A. McCammon, Ed.D. at (520) 621-8741 [email protected]. If you have questions concerning your rights as a research subject, you may call the University of Arizona Human Subjects Protection Program office at (520) 626-6721.
* I request that I be able to identify you alongside your quoted comments in the thesis. This is not required as participation in this survey. Your comments are valuable to this study and are sincerely appreciated, regardless of your choice to allow identification or not.
I agree to allow the use of my identity to be included in the published content of the related Thesis.
I do not wish to have my identity divulged within the published content of the related Thesis.
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What qualities, training and attributes are important for performer in musical theatre? Is there a difference between those who audition for principal role versus those who audition for ensemble roles?
What expectations are there, if any, when a University/College education is included on a resume versus when it is not? Do you find that many of these emerging professionals exhibit the skill set that enable them to meet these expectations?
What is the value of a student showcase … are multi-university showcases in major artistic hubs more productive over University sponsored, on-campus showcases?
What are some of the skills you consistently see post-secondary educated performers utilize when first attending auditions … what are some challenges that you consistently find amongst these newly emerging performers?
If you were to counsel a young actor who wants to pursue an education in Musical Theatre, what are some of the skills/focus you would advise them to look for in a training program? Is there a difference between a program with a focus on the acting with music and dance training secondary, versus a program with a focus on music, versus a program with a focus on dance?
What would be included in your ideal training program?
Do you find that as a rule most higher education musical theatre programs tailor their curriculums to coincide with the demands of the ever-changing industry?
I would welcome any further comments you may have concerning your program and the topic of educating the emerging musical theatre professionals of tomorrow.
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