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Overall, I am very satisfied with the way In-Touch Decor & Furniture is performing on this project.
Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
How did your dining table set fit your décor style?
Somewhat Satisfactory
Very Satisfactory
Overall, how satisfied were you with your new instillation?
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Have you ever contacted customer service?
If you contacted In-Touch Decor customer service, have all problems been resolved to your complete satisfaction?
Yes, by the company or its representatives.
Yes, by me or someone outside the company
 No, the problem was not resolved
Based on your experience with our furnitures, how likely are you to buy again?
Definitely will
Probably will
Might or might not
Probably will not
Definitely will not
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