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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* How many classes, and credits, are you taking this semester?
* How many are online courses? Have you ever taken any online courses? If so how many?
How do you feel overall about your current classes? (Overall.)
I'm doing great!
I'm doing fine.
I could be doing better.
I'm not doing very well.
If you are in any online courses how do you feel about them? (Overall)
I'm doing great!
I'm doing fine.
I could be doing better.
I'm not doing very well.
I'm not in any online courses.
* What do you think the biggest challenge is when it comes to getting the grades you want?
If you have taken online courses in the present or in the past please tell us how you felt about them. Where they hard? Easy? What could be better about them?
How often do you conduct surveys?