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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* How would you rate the prodct packaging?
Please choose one from 1 to 5
5 - Fabulous!
4 - Good!
3 - Satisfactory
2 - Okay
1 - Poor needs improvement
In addition please leave any feedback / comments below

* Where would you expect to find this product?
* How were the instructions? 
Please choose one from 1 to 5
5 - Very clear
4 - Some were not clear but overall good
3 - Satisfactory
2 - Needs improvement
1 - Confusing do not want to try again
In addition please leave any feedback / comments below

* How long did you take to prepare - before putting in the oven (minutes)?
* How long did you take to cook(minutes)?
* How easy was it to make this cake? 
Please choose one from 1 to 3 
3 - Very easy
2 - Harder than expected
1 - I would rather make it by myself
In addition please leave any feedback / comments below

* How did you like the cake? 
Please choose one from 1 to 4
4 - Loved it! I want to have it again
3 - Fairly good
2 - Satisfactory / Okay
1 - Not my cup of tea
In addition please let us know which decoration cream you made and leave any feedback / comments below

* How much would you pay for the product(£)?
* How would you rate the product overall?
Please choose one from 1 to 3 
3 - Great product I would buy it even if the price was a bit over my budget
2 - Great product I would buy it if the price was within my budget
1 - I do not think I would buy it
In addition please leave any feedback / comments below

Any feedback or suggestions to make this product better please let us know