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Health Care Access and Quality Survey

Health Care Services Access and Quality Survey
Exit Survey
The purpose of this survey is to determine Métis Albertans' access to and quality of health care. The survey is anonymous and all information is kept confidential and used for research purposes only.
Please tell us about yourself:
1. Are you a member of the Métis Nation of Alberta?
No, but I am a member of the Métis Nation of a different province
No, but I self-identify as Métis
No, I am not Métis
2. What community/town/city do you live in? Please specify your province if you do not live in Alberta.
3. Which category below includes your age?
17 or younger
90 and over
4. What is your gender?
Prefer not to disclose
5. Chronic diseases are defined as lasting longer than 3 months and requiring continuous treatment. Examples include high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, arthritis etc. Do you have any chronic diseases?
Yes, one
Yes, more than one
6. Do you have a family doctor?
No (please explain why you don't have a family doctor)
7. Please specify which health care provider you use most often and answer questions 8-14 about the care you receive from them.
Family doctor
Walk in clinic
Emergency room
Other (please specify)
8. How easy is it to get to your health care provider?
Extremely easy
Very easy
Moderately easy
Slightly easy
Not at all easy
9. Overall, how well do you understand your health care provider’s explanations, instructions and questions?
Extremely well
Very well
Moderately well
Slightly well
Not at all well
10. How well does your health care provider listen to you?
Extremely well
Very well
Moderately well
Slightly well
Not at all well
11. How well respected do you feel by your health care provider?
Extremely well
Very well
Moderately well
Slightly well
Not at all well
12. How much do you trust your health care provider?
A great deal
A lot
A moderate amount
A little
Not at all
13. How often, if ever, have you received unsatisfactory care because of your race/ethnicity/language?
Extremely often
Very often
Moderately often
Slightly often
Not at all often
14. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the health care you receive?
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Moderately satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Not at all satisfied
15. From the following list, please select your greatest barrier(s) to accessing health care services (select all that apply).
Distance (too far)
I can’t find enough time
I can’t get an appointment
I don’t have any barriers to health care
Other (please specify)

Family care clinics (FCC’s) are primary health care delivery organizations that provide a wide range of primary health care services that address patients’ health and social needs. Care is provided by a team of family physicians, registered nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, mental health professionals and others.
16. The MNA is currently developing a family care clinic located in Edmonton, AB that will focus on the health needs of the Métis population. At the clinic the following services and more will be offered. Keeping in mind that all the information in this survey will be kept confidential, please indicate ALL the services that you would be interested in accessing.
Assessment, diagnosis, management and follow-up of occasional health concerns (ex. ear infection, sprained ankle, flu, etc.)
Routine health assessments (check-ups)
Chronic disease screening and prevention
Chronic disease management
Addiction services
Mental health services
Family planning and birth control counseling
STI testing and treatment
Maternal and child health
Referrals to social services such as housing and employment services
Referral coordination
Health navigation
Routine Immunization and screening
None of these services
Not applicable

17. Please tell us what services, not listed above, that you would like to see at this clinic.
Not applicable.
18. Do you think you will use this clinic, when it opens?
No (please explain why)
19. During which hours would you be most likely to access services at this clinic?
9 am - 4 pm weekdays
4 pm - 9 pm Thursdays
9 am - 4 pm weekends
Not applicable
Other (please specify)

Métis Health and Wellness