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Hair Peace Charities wants to make sure salons are doing exceptional work with all our women and girls during a very sensitive shopping experience. 
Thanks for taking a few minutes to give your opinion in getting your wig. If anything needs improvement or was outstanding, we'd like to know!
You can leave your name if you like in the comments section and let us know if you would like to join Hair Peace as a volunteer. 
Please provide the name of the salon you received your wig and/or services from.
* Were you able to schedule an appointment within the time frame needed?    
Please rate the following:
Was the salon staff professional?
Did they provide a private and relaxed environment?
Would you recommend this salon to friends and family?
Did your salon provide the following: (select neutral if N/A)
Very Dissatisfied Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Diverse selection of wigs
Explanation of what impacts the cost of wig
Ability to offer alternatives to a wig (halo, hats, caps)
Did your salon provide the following: (select neutral if N/A)
Very Dissatisfied Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Explained how to care of your wig
Answered questions after receiving your wig/product
If the wig/product was not available did they provide a referral
If you needed your wig cut-in, styled, or your own head shaved, was that also included into the price?
Let us know how Hair Peace Charities is doing. Please rate the following:
Based on "What to Expect on a Salon Visit” provided on our website, please rate the helpfulness of this information.
How would you rate the process of requesting financial assistance from Hair Peace Charities for the purchase of a wig?
How likely would you recommend our services, if needed, to friends and family?
Would you like to volunteer for our organization? We are always looking for a "few good people" to help with special events and projects. If you would like us to contact you regarding volunteer opportunities, please provide your name, address, email address and a phone number in the box below.
We want to hear from you! Please provide additional comments and suggestions in the box below.
Thank you for taking our survey to help us meet the needs in our community.