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* Have you purchased an eco-friendly product in the past one year?

(Energy efficient bulbs, Energy Star Labeled Electronics, Solar Heaters, Organic food, Recyclable Plastic Bags, Etc)
Yes No
* Do you make conscious decisions to purchase green products?

Most of the time Sometime Rarely Never
Please rate the importance o f the following when buying a green product.
Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Slightly Important Not Important at all
* Quality
* Price
* Creativity
* Uniqueness
* Performance
How likely are you to do the following?
Very Likely Relatively Likely Neither Likely Nor Unlikely Relatively Unlikely Very Unlikely
* Recycle Bottles, Can and Plastic
* Recycle Newspaper
* Avoiding Products of Environmentally Unfriendly Companies
* Take Your Own Bag to the Supermarket
* Buy Products in Packages that can be Refilled
* Pay Premium for Green Products
* Have you seen Environmentally Friendly Automobiles?
(Honda Hybrid, Mahindra Reva, Toyota Prius Etc, GM Volt, Smart ED)
Yes No
Please answer the below questions with respect to Automotive Products
Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Slightly Important Not Important at all
* Should be Environmentally Friendly
Service Centers should be environment friendly
Should affirm to the emission standards of the country
What is your perception about the following characteristics of Green/Environmentally Friendly Automobiles?
Poor Below Average Average Good Excellent
* Durable
* Fashionable
* Sturdy
* Safety and Security
* Overall Quality
* Performance
Please state how much you agree or disagree to the below questions with respect to Green Automobiles:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
* Women are more likely to buy in comparison to Men
* Younger People are more likely to buy in comparison to Older People
* Price is a major deterrent
* Are Value for Money
* Provide High Quality and Performance
Are worthy of premium pricing
* Name
* Place
* Sex (M/F)
* Age (A=18-25, B=25-35, C=36-45, D=45-55, E=>55)
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