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Welcome to our survey for General Practice Immunisation Coordinators, being conducted by the Victorian Cytology Service.

The aim of this survey is to identify characteristics of general practices who did not notify HPV vaccine doses administered to the Register. This will help us to understand the potential impact on the vaccination coverage recorded on the Register.

It will take approximately four minutes to complete the questionnaire, depending however upon whether you can easily access information about characteristics of your Division. You can exit the survey at any time and return later by pressing the ‘save and continue button’ and entering your email address.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and information collected will be reported only in an aggregated format. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Julia Brotherton on (03)8417-6819 or by email at [email protected].

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
Please provide the name of your division
What State/Territory is your division in?

How many practices are within the boundaries of your division?
Approximately how many General Practitioners are part of the total division (i.e. work at these Practices)? Please estimate as both the total number of GPs and as full time equivalents (FTEs).
Number of GPs
Approximately how many practice nurses are part of the division (i.e. work at these Practices)?
Besides GPs and schools are there any other organisations in your division who provided HPV immunisations?
Family Planning Clinics
Aboriginal Medical Services
Sexual Health Clinics
University Medical Services
Please specify any others:
Approximately what percentage of practices in your division provide immunisation (of any kind) to their patients?
In relation to HPV vaccination, are you aware of any practices who DID NOT give any HPV vaccines?
How many practices do you know of who DID NOT give the HPV vaccine?
In relation to these non-vaccinating practices, why didn't these practices provide the HPV vaccination? (select all that apply)
They do not provide any immunisation services
They have very low numbers of young female patients
Don’t know

Notifying HPV vaccine administered was not mandatory for GPs. What % of practices in your division do you think DID notify HPV vaccines doses they delivered?
All of them (100%)
Nearly all of them (95%+)
A high proportion (90-94%)
Most of them (80-89%)
Some of them (70-79%)
Just over half (51-69%)
Less than half (50% or less)
Do you know which practices in your division gave but DID NOT notify HPV doses to the Register?
Yes, definitely know
Yes, pretty sure I know which ones
Have some suspicions but not certain
Thinking about practices who gave but DID NOT notify doses to the HPV register, for each of the characteristics listed below, do these practices have anything in common?
Size of the practice (practice = shared medical records):
No, nothing in common
Yes, tend to be large practices (5 or more FTE GPs)
Yes, tend to be small practices (2-4 FTE GPs)
Yes, tend to be solo practices
Sex of the GPs:
No, nothing in common
Yes, tend to be male
Yes, tend to be female
Involvement of a practice nurse:
No, nothing in common
Yes, non-notifying practices don't tend to have a practice nurse
Patient population: (please select all that apply)
No, nothing in common
Yes, tend to see patients of certain CALD backgrounds
Yes, tend to see Indigenous patients
Yes, tend to see patients of lower socioeconomic status
Yes, tend to see patients of higher socioeconomic status

From your observations, are there any other characteristics that non-notifying practices have in common?
In your opinion, what reasons do you think would explain why practices or GPs DID NOT notify doses to the HPV register? Please rank in order of importance (with 1 being most important and 5 being the least important) for practices in your division:
They did not provide the HPV vaccine
They were unaware of how to notify
They were too busy/did not get around to it
They decided it was not worth the effort for the $6 per dose payment
They were concerned about patient consent (i.e. did not collect consent initially)
Not sure
Do you have any other feedback about the HPV Register?
Can you identify a practice in your division who DID NOT notify (or who you suspect did not) who might be willing to complete a short phone interview about why they decided not to? If so, we would love to get feedback from them.
We would appreciate it if you could contact the practice you identified, to confirm they did not notify HPV doses to the Register, and seek consent for a project officer from the Victorian Cytology Service, operators of the Register, to contact them.

If possible, please email us (at [email protected]) with their preferred name and contact details after consent is obtained. If needed, we can also provide an information sheet to assist the practice with the decision to participate. If the practice prefers to remain anonymous, we would still be happy to speak to them and we can arrange a time for the practice to call us.
If we haven’t heard from you about whether the practice is happy to participate in the next few weeks we will send you a reminder email. Is this ok?
Yes – please email and remind me
No – please don’t email me.
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