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Recently, the Release Engineering team replaced StarTeam with a Git tool for development purposes here at We are very interested in what your overall experience has been with the Git tool to date and any improvements that we could make, to both the tool and to the resources available for training/coaching, to further adoption, make your experience better and improve the development experience here at

Please take a few minutes to answer the questions in this survey. All responses will be anonymous.

Thank you very much for your time and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

How satisfied are you with the Git migration so far?
Very Unsatisfied - I'm frustrated
Neutral - GIT is no better or worse than StarTeam
Very Satisfied - Why didn't we move to GIT Sooner?!
How would you describe the level of support / training you’ve received as part of the Git migration so far?
Very Poor - I'm unable to do my job
Adequate - I'm able to do my job but would need more support to understand advanced topics
Superb - I'm able to do my job, understand advanced topics and have received follow-up support from RE
How well do you understand the current branching and merging model?
1 – Not at all. I have no understanding of branching and merging
3 - Knowledge of different branches, when, why and how merges are initiated
5 – Very well and feel I could provide input to improve our current module
How well do you understand the new branching and merging strategies available in Git?
1 – Not at all
3 - Understand the theoretical differences between “Feature” and “release branches” and the differences between “Gitflow Workflow” and “Trunk Based Development”
5 – Very well and have experience working with multiple branching and merging models
What is the most useful feature from StarTeam you believe is missing in Git?
In your experience, what frustrates you most when using Git?
What could the Release Engineering team do to most improve your experience with Git?