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I am conducting a survey as part of my Differentiated Supervision Action Plan. The survey is specific to gifted and/or high achieving students in your classes. Information that is gathered will be utilized to assist me with developing feedback forms for gifted progress monitoring and for GIEP input. I also expect to develop a database of responses to certain questions which I plan to categorize by department. It is my hope to be able to use this information when developing Specially Designed Instruction for GIEPs. I would greatly appreciate if you would take a few minutes to answer the following eight questions

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start the survey by clicking on the Continue button below.

When thinking about the subject matter you teach, which department does it fit into?
English/Foreign Language
Physical Education/Health
Social Studies

Choose the following category that best describes the grade level you teach.
junior high (6-8)
senior high (9-12)
When completing forms that provide input to another teacher about a student, which format do you prefer to use?
email form as attachment
hard copy
no preference
Other than tests and quizzes, what forms of summative assessment do you use in your classes?
When do you pre-assess your students?
At the beginning of the year
At midyear
Prior to the start of each chapter/unit
I don't use pre-assessments
What tools, programs, etc. do you use to close gaps in student learning?
Explain how you differentiate instruction for students who are high functioning in your class(es) (maintaining 90% or higher on a regular basis).
How do you use data (diagnostic, formative, summative, etc.) to align differentiated instruction to the PA standards?