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Exit Survey
As we all know, Geoscape is looking to continue to grow and reach our goal of doubling in 3 years. We are happy to announce that we are well on our way to reaching this goal, but we need your help. To reach this goal we are calling on our most valuable asset, our staff. This is your chance to make Geoscape the place where you want to work and grow. We need to learn from your important experience things that work, things that don’t work and things that we need to try. Let your voice be heard by completing this 100% anonymous survey and we can continue to improve to make Geoscape more than just a job, we can make it a career. Any and all feedback is appreciated and will have no names attached so please be honest and help us to make Geoscape the best place possible to work and grow!
Which of the following best describes your position here?
Office staff
Machine Operator
Landscape Technician
Have you ever observed or experienced any of the following forms of discrimination or harassment at this company? Select all that apply
Racial discrimination
Sexual harassment
Age discrimination
Gender discrimination
Sexual orientation discrimination
No, none of the above have been observed or experienced

Please feel free to expand on any discrimination you may have faced while working for Geoscape.
How meaningful is your work?
Extremely meaningful
Very meaningful
Moderately meaningful
Slightly meaningful
Not at all meaningful
How challenging is your job?
Extremely challenging
Very challenging
Moderately challenging
Slightly challenging
Not at all challenging
In a typical week, how often do you feel stressed at work?
Extremely often
Very often
Moderately often
Slightly often
Not at all often
In the space below, please expand on any thoughts you may have for the last questions.
How well are you paid for the work you do?
Extremely well
Very well
Moderately well
Slightly well
Not at all well
How much do your opinions matter to your coworkers?
A great deal
A lot
A moderate amount
A little
None at all
How many opportunities do you have to get promoted where you work?
A great deal
A lot
A moderate amount
A few
None at all