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You are invited to participate in our Pain Research survey. We are interested in finding out about your views about physical (or bodily) pain, in particular how much you value pain relief. If you have experienced physical pain recently, we will ask you to describe your pain. Otherwise we will ask you to answer hypothetically.
The questionnaire is designed for people to answer about themselves. You cannot complete it on behalf of someone else.
It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete this questionnaire.

This survey is the most important component of a doctoral research (PhD). The results of the survey will be published in scientific journals and be presented in specialised meetings. Future research and policies would also be informed by the understanding of what leads people to value pain in different ways. For example, this will help evaluate pain management programs and how they should be funded.

You must be 18 or over and speak English fluently to participate to this survey.

You cannot participate to the survey if you are in hospital as an inpatient and/or absent from work for more than 4 weeks due to sickness or disability.

Upon completion of the survey a payment of £10 will be made. You will be able to choose whether to receive the money yourself or for it to be given to Hillingdon Hospital Charitable Trust.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project and it has been approved by Brunel Research Ethics Committee. However, if you do not want to answer any question, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. If you find any aspect of the survey distressing you can contact Brunel University Counselling Service Tel: 01895 265070 Email: [email protected].
Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Prof Martin Buxton or Dr Louise Longworth, Tel (01895) 265443, e-mails [email protected] or [email protected]. If you have any complaints about the survey you may contact Dr David Anderson-Ford, Chair Brunel University Research Ethics Committee, tel (01895) 268731, e-mail [email protected] .
We suggest you print this information for future reference.

Thank you very much for your time and support. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.
* If you agree to take the survey click on the 'I agree' button, otherwise click 'Exit survey'
I agree to take part in the survey
Exit survey
* Are you 18 and over?
* What is your first language?
English is my first language
English is NOT my first language but I speak it fluently
I am not fluent in English

* Are you hospitalised as an in-patient?
* Are you working, not working or studying at the moment? (Check all that applies)
Working full time (30+ hours a week)
Working part time (less than 30 hours a week)
Full-time student
Part-time student
Not working - looking for work
Not working - not looking for work
Not working - unable to work for medical reasons
Looking after the home
Other (please specify)

We are sorry you cannot participate to this survey.
There are no right or wrong answers: please choose the answer that best reflects how you feel.
Please answer all questions. We are aware that some questions may seem repetitive and we thank you for your patience in answering all of them.
For some questions you will need to scroll down the screen to display the ‘Continue’ button.

Thank you very much for your time spent completing this questionnaire.
* Year of birth
We are now going to ask you a few questions about pain.
* Have you experienced physical pain over the past 4 weeks?
We define pain as physical or bodily pain lasting for at least one day (during all the day or from time to time during the day)
* What is the worst level of physical pain you have experienced during the past 4 weeks?
0 (No pain) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 (Worst possible pain)
* What is the level of physical pain you are experiencing at the current time?
0 (No pain) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 (Worst possible pain)
* How long ago was it since you last experienced physical pain?
More than 1 month but less than 6 months
Between 6 months and 1 year
Between 1 and 5 years
More than 5 years
I have never experienced pain
What was the worst physical pain you ever experienced in the past?
Intense pain
Moderate pain
Mild pain
Your pain
What is the origin of the physical pain you have experienced during the past 4 weeks? (if you experienced pain from more than one origin please answer for the most intense pain)
Accident or injury
Chronic pain from medical origin
Unknown cause
Other cause
How long has the pain you are currently experiencing lasted?
4 weeks or less
Between 4 weeks and 3 months
Between 3 and 6 months
Between 6 months and 1 year
More than 1 year
What was the worst physical pain you experienced in the past (before the current pain episode)?
Intense pain
Moderate pain
Just mild pain
I never had pain before now
Thinking about the most painful of the past episodes, how was the pain compared to your current pain?
A lot more bothersome
Somewhat more bothersome
About the same
Somewhat less bothersome
A lot less bothersome
The following questions are about the pain or pains you experienced in the past 4 weeks. If you had more than one pain, answer the questions by describing your feelings of pain in general.
How much bodily pain have you generally had during the past 4 weeks?
Very mild
Very severe
During the past 4 weeks, how often have you had pain or discomfort?
Once or twice
A few times
Fairly often
Very often
Every day or almost every day
When you had pain during the past 4 weeks, how long did it usually last?
A few minutes
Several minutes to an hour
Several hours
A day or two
More than two days
During the past 4 weeks, how much did pain interfere with the following things?
Not At All A Little Bit Moderately Quite a bit Extremely
a. Your mood
b. Your ability to walk or move about
c. Your sleep
d. Your normal work (including both work outside the home and housework)
e. Your recreational activities
f. Your enjoyment of life
Please select the one number that best describes your pain on the average over the past 4 weeks.
0= No Pain
10= Pain As Bad As You Can Imagine
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Please select the one number that best describes your pain at its worst over the past 4 weeks.
0= No Pain
10= Pain As Bad As You Can Imagine
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Adapted from The Medical Outcomes Study Pain Measures
From Stewart AL, Ware JE Jr. Measuring functioning and well-being: the Medical Outcomes Study approach. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1992:374,378-379.
None Mild Moderate Severe
1. Throbbing
2. Shooting
3. Stabbing
4. Sharp
5. Cramping
6. Gnawing
7. Hot/burning
8. Aching
9. Like a weight
10. Tender
11. Splitting
12. Tiring/exhausting
13. Sickening
14. Fearful
15. Punishing/cruel
No pain
Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ) UK English version
Copyright R. Melzack, 1984, 1987
Trading time to get rid of pain
Please scroll down to read all the instructions and then click on 'Continue'.

For the following set of questions:

We are measuring pain on a 0-10 pain scale: 0 is no pain, 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine.
We will describe a level of pain and ask you imagine that you will experience that level of pain constantly for the next 20 years, after which time you will die.
We will also describe an alternative scenario where you would be pain-free but would have a shorter life (less than 20 years).
We will ask you to tell us how many pain-free years you think would be as good as living for 20 years in that level of constant pain.
Please assume that you would have no other health problems other than the pain described.

Examples are given on the next three screens.
Example of a response by respondent A:

Pain is measured on a 0-10 pain scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain of level 5, how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

A ticked circle ‘16’.

Respondent A felt that 16 years in excellent health without the pain was the equivalent (no better or worse) of 20 years in constant pain of level 5. This means that A would prefer to live 17 years (or more) without pain to 20 years in pain but A would prefer to live 20 years in pain rather than 15 years (or less) without the pain.
Example of a response by respondent B:

Pain is measured on a 0-10 pain scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain of level 9, how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

B ticked circle ‘5’.

Respondent B felt that 5 years in excellent health without the pain was the equivalent (no better or worse) of 20 years in constant pain of level 9. This means that B would prefer to live 5 years (or more) without pain to 20 years in pain but B would prefer to live 20 years in pain rather than 4 years (or less) without the pain.
Example of a response by respondent C:

Pain is measured on a 0-10 pain scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain of level 3, how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

C ticked circle ‘19’.

Respondent C felt that 19 years in excellent health without the pain was the equivalent (no better or worse) of 20 years in constant pain of level 3. This means that C would prefer to live 19 years (or more) without pain to 20 years in pain but C would prefer to live 20 years in pain rather than 18 years (or less) without the pain.
As before, we are measuring pain on a 0-10 pain scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine.
Imagine you live in constant pain at level 4.
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain of level 4 , how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

Years without the pain
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 It is worse than being dead
Imagine the pain is as bad as the worst pain you experienced during the past 4 weeks.
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain as intense as the worst pain you have experienced during the past 4 weeks, how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

Year without the pain
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 It is worse than being dead
As before, we are measuring pain on a 0-10 pain scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine.
Imagine you live in constant pain at level 7.
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain of level 7 , how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

Years without the pain
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 It is worse than being dead
Imagine the pain is half as bad as the worst pain you experienced during the past 4 weeks.
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain half as intense as the pain you have experienced during the past 4 weeks, how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

Years without the pain
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 It is worse than being dead
As before, we are measuring pain on a 0-10 pain scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine.
Imagine you live in constant pain at level 2.
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain of level 2 , how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

Years without the pain
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 It is worse than being dead
Willingness to pay to get rid of pain
Please scroll down to read all the instructions and then click on ‘Continue’.

Again in the scenarios below you will be asked to imagine that you have some pain rated on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine.
You will be asked to imagine that the pain will last continuously for 20 years and then you will die. The pain is caused by a condition which is not life threatening nor has any other health effects. There is no cure for the condition.
The scenarios differ in terms of the level of pain described.

We like to know your opinion on 2 imaginary pills:
- a ‘Wonder pill’ that relieves the pain completely and immediately
- a 'semi-Wonder pill’ that reduces the pain immediately to half of what it was.

You would take the pill once a month and its effect would start immediately and last one month exactly.

Both pills have no side effects and you cannot become addicted to them.
They are the only treatment available.
You cannot get the pills through the health service. They are available without a prescription but you need to pay for them yourself (one payment for each month’s treatment).
Please READ carefully each of the following hypothetical scenarios before answering.
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain of level 4 on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘Wonder pill’ that relieves the pain completely and immediately and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain of level 7 on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘semi-Wonder pill’ that reduces the pain immediately to half of what it was and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the semi-Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain as intense as the worst pain you have experienced during the past 4 weeks. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘Wonder pill’ that relieves the pain completely and immediately and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain of level 2 on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘semi-Wonder pill’ that reduces the pain immediately to half of what it was and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the semi-Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain of level 7 on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘Wonder pill’ that relieves the pain completely and immediately and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain as intense as the worst pain you have experienced during the past 4 weeks. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘semi-Wonder pill’ that that reduces the pain immediately to half of what it was and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the semi-Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain of level 2 on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘Wonder pill’ that relieves the pain completely and immediately and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain of level 4 on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘semi-Wonder pill’ that reduces the pain immediately to half of what it was and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the semi-Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
Trading time to get rid of pain
Please scroll down to read all the instructions and then click on 'Continue'.

For the following set of questions:

We are measuring pain on a 0-10 pain scale: 0 is no pain, 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine.
We will describe a level of pain and ask you imagine that you will experience that level of pain constantly for the next 20 years, after which time you will die.
We will also describe an alternative scenario where you would be pain-free but would have a shorter life (less than 20 years).
We will ask you to tell us how many pain-free years you think would be as good as living for 20 years in that level of constant pain.
Please assume that you would have no other health problems other than the pain described.

Examples are given on the next three screens.
Example of a response by respondent A:

Pain is measured on a 0-10 pain scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain of level 5, how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

A ticked circle ‘16’.

Respondent A felt that 16 years in excellent health without the pain was the equivalent (no better or worse) of 20 years in constant pain of level 5. This means that A would prefer to live 17 years (or more) without pain to 20 years in pain but A would prefer to live 20 years in pain rather than 15 years (or less) without the pain.
Example of a response by respondent B:

Pain is measured on a 0-10 pain scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain of level 9, how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

B ticked circle ‘5’.

Respondent B felt that 5 years in excellent health without the pain was the equivalent (no better or worse) of 20 years in constant pain of level 9. This means that B would prefer to live 5 years (or more) without pain to 20 years in pain but B would prefer to live 20 years in pain rather than 4 years (or less) without the pain.
Example of a response by respondent C:

Pain is measured on a 0-10 pain scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain of level 3, how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

C ticked circle ‘19’.

Respondent C felt that 19 years in excellent health without the pain was the equivalent (no better or worse) of 20 years in constant pain of level 3. This means that C would prefer to live 19 years (or more) without pain to 20 years in pain but C would prefer to live 20 years in pain rather than 18 years (or less) without the pain.
As before, we are measuring pain on a 0-10 pain scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine.
Imagine you live in constant pain at level 4.
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain of level 4 , how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

Years without the pain
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 It is worse than being dead
As before, we are measuring pain on a 0-10 pain scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine.
Imagine you live in constant pain at level 7.
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain of level 7 , how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

Years without the pain
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 It is worse than being dead
As before, we are measuring pain on a 0-10 pain scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine.
Imagine you live in constant pain at level 2.
If you had 20 years to live in constant pain of level 2 , how many years in excellent health without the pain is the equivalent?

Years without the pain
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 It is worse than being dead
Willingness to pay to get rid of pain
Please scroll down to read all the instructions and then click on ‘Continue’.

Again in the scenarios below you will be asked to imagine that you have some pain rated on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine.
You will be asked to imagine that the pain will last continuously for 20 years and then you will die. The pain is caused by a condition which is not life threatening nor has any other health effects. There is no cure for the condition.
The scenarios differ in terms of the level of pain described.

We like to know your opinion on 2 imaginary pills:
- a ‘Wonder pill’ that relieves the pain completely and immediately
- a ‘semi-Wonder pill’ that reduces the pain immediately to half of what it was.

You would take the pill once a month and its effect would start immediately and last one month exactly.

Both pills have no side effects and you cannot become addicted to them.
They are the only treatment available. You cannot get the pills through the health service. They are available without a prescription but you need to pay for them yourself (one payment for each month’s treatment).
Please READ carefully each of the following hypothetical scenarios before answering.
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain of level 4 on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘Wonder pill’ that relieves the pain completely and immediately and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain of level 7 on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘semi-Wonder pill’ that reduces the pain immediately to half of what it was and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the semi-Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain of level 2 on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘semi-Wonder pill’ that reduces the pain immediately to half of what it was and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the semi-Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain of level 7 on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘Wonder pill’ that relieves the pain completely and immediately and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain of level 2 on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘Wonder pill’ that relieves the pain completely and immediately and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
Lets imagine.
You are in a pain of level 4 on a 0-10 scale where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain as bad as you can imagine. The pain will last continuously for the rest of your life (20 years). Remember the ‘semi-Wonder pill’ that reduces the pain immediately to half of what it was and has no side effects.
What is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for a month's supply of the semi-Wonder pill each month?
more than £200
£200 - 151
£150 - £101
£100 - £51
£50 - £21
£20 - £11
£10 - £6
£5 - £1
I will take it only if it is free
I will not take such a pill
* If you are willing to pay more than £200, please say how much (£)
How you feel
READ: This section of the questionnaire contains questions about how you feel and how things have been going for you over the past month. For each question choose the answer which best applies to you
How have you been feeling in general during the past month?
In excellent spirits
In very good spirits
In good spirits mostly
I have been up and down in spirits a lot
In low spirits mostly
In very low spirits
How often were you bothered by any illness, infirmity, aches or pains during the past month?
Every day
Almost every day
About half of the time
Now and then, but less than half of the time
None of the time
Did you feel depressed during the past month?
Yes - to the point where I felt like killing myself
Yes - to the point where I did not care about anything
Yes - very depressed almost every day
Yes - quite depressed several times
Yes - a little depressed now and again
No - never felt depressed at all
Have you been in firm control of your behaviour, thoughts, emotions or feelings during the past month?
Yes, definitely so
Yes, for the most part
Generally so
Not too well
No, and I am somewhat disturbed
No, and I am very disturbed
Have you been bothered by nervousness or your "nerves" during the past month?
Extremely so - to the point where I could not work or take care of things
Very much so
Quite a bit
Somewhat - enough to bother me
A little
Not at all
How much energy or vitality did you have or feel during the past month?
Very full of energy - lots of vitality
Fairly energetic most of the time
My energy level varied quite a bit
Generally low in energy or vitality
Very low in energy and vitality most of the time
No energy or vitality at all - I felt drained, sapped
I felt downhearted and low during the past month.
None of the time
A little of the time
Some of the time
A good bit of the time
Most of the time
All the time
Were you generally tense or did you feel any tension during the past month?
Yes - extremely tense, most or all of the time
Yes - very tense most of the time
Not generally tense, but did feel fairly tense several times
I felt a little tense a few times
My general tension level was quite low
I never felt tense or any tension at all
How happy, satisfied or pleased have you been with your personal life during the past month?
Extremely happy - could not have been more satisfied or pleased
Very happy most of the time
Generally satisfied - pleased
Sometimes fairly happy, sometimes fairly unhappy
Generally dissatisfied or unhappy
Very dissatisfied or unhappy most of the time
Did you feel healthy enough to carry out things you like to do or had to do during the past month?
Yes - definitely so
For the most part
Health problems limited me in some important ways
I was just healthy enough to take care of myself
I needed some help in taking care of myself
I needed someone to help me with most or all of the things I had to do
Have you felt so low, discouraged, hopeless, or had so many problems that you wondered if anything was worthwhile during the past month?
Extremely so - to the point where I have just about given up
Very much so
Quite a bit
Some - enough to bother me
A little bit
Not at all
I woke up feeling fresh and rested during the past month.
None of the time
A little of the time
Some of the time
A good bit of the time
Most of the time
All of the time
Have you been concerned, worried, or had any fears about your health during the past month?
Extremely so
Very much so
Quite a bit
Some, but not a lot
Practically never
Not at all
Have you had any reason to wonder if you were losing your mind, your memory or losing control over the way you act, talk, think, feel during the past month?
Not at all
Only a little
Some - but not enough to be concerned or worried about
Some and I have been a little concerned
Some and I am very concerned
Yes, very much so and I am very concerned
My daily life was full of things that were interesting to me during the past month.
None of the time
A little of the time
Some of the time
A good bit of the time
Most of the time
All of the time
Did you feel active, vigorous, or dull, sluggish during the past month?
Very active, vigorous every day
Mostly active, vigorous - never really dull, sluggish
Fairly active, vigorous - seldom dull, sluggish
Fairly dull, sluggish - seldom active, vigorous
Mostly dull, sluggish - never really active, vigorous
Very dull, sluggish every day
Have you been anxious, worried or upset during the past month?
Extremely so - to the point of being sick or almost sick
Very much so
Quite a bit
Some - enough to bother me
A little bit
Not at all
I was emotionally stable and sure of myself during the past month.
None of the time
A little of the time
Some of the time
A good bit of the time
Most of the time
All of the time
Did you feel relaxed, at ease or agitated, on edge or wound up during the past month?
Felt relaxed and at ease the whole month
Felt relaxed and at ease most of the time
Generally felt relaxed but at times felt fairly on edge
Generally felt agitated but at times felt fairly relaxed
Felt agitated, on edge or wound up most of the time
Felt agitated, on edge or wound up the whole month
I felt cheerful, lighthearted during the past month.
None of the time
A little of the time
Some of the time
A good bit of the time
Most of the time
All of the time
I felt tired, worn out, used up or exhausted during the past month.
None of the time
A little of the time
Some of the time
A good bit of the time
Most of the time
All of the time
Have you been under of felt you were under any strain, stress or pressure during the past month?
Yes - almost more than I could bear or stand
Yes - quite a bit of pressure
Yes, some - more than usual
Yes, some - but about usual
Yes - a little
Not at all
PGWBI© 1984 Harold J. Dupuy, All rights reserved
PGWBI contact information and permission to use: MAPI Research Trust, Lyon, France. E-mail: [email protected] – Internet:
In general, would you say your health is:
Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor
Item 1 from RAND 36-item short form Health Survey developed at RAND as part of the Medical Outcomes Study
Under each heading, please tick the ONE box that best describes your health TODAY
I have no problems in walking about
I have slight problems in walking about
I have moderate problems in walking about
I have severe problems in walking about
I am unable to walk about
I have no problems washing or dressing myself
I have slight problems washing or dressing myself
I have moderate problems washing or dressing myself
I have severe problems washing or dressing myself
I am unable to wash or dress myself
USUAL ACTIVITIES (e.g. work, study, housework, family or leisure activities)
I have no problems doing my usual activities
I have slight problems doing my usual activities
I have moderate problems doing my usual activities
I have severe problems doing my usual activities
I am unable to do my usual activities
I have no pain or discomfort
I have slight pain or discomfort
I have moderate pain or discomfort
I have severe pain or discomfort
I have extreme pain or discomfort
I am not anxious or depressed
I am slightly anxious or depressed
I am moderately anxious or depressed
I am severely anxious or depressed
I am extremely anxious or depressed
UK (English) v.2 © 2009 EuroQol Group. EQ-5D™ is a trade mark of the EuroQol Group
UK (English) v.2 © 2009 EuroQol Group. EQ-5D™ is a trade mark of the EuroQol Group
More about you
To which of these ethnic groups do you consider you belong?
Mixed / multiple ethnic groups
Asian / Asian British
Black / African / Caribbean / Black British
Other ethnic group
I prefer not to answer
What is your citizenship?
Other European country
Indian sub-continent
Other Asia
I prefer not to answer
What is your education level? (Check all that applies)
No formal qualifications
GCSE (or CSE) / O level
'A' levels or equivalent
Professional qualification below degree level
Degree level qualification or equivalent
Higher degree
Other (please specify)

* To help us analyse your responses can you tell me which of the following best describes your total annual household income, before tax and other deductions? If you are not sure, please give your best estimate.
£0 to £1,499 per year
£1,500 to £6,499 per year
£6,500 to £9,499 per year
£9,500 to £14,400 per year
£14,401 to £19,500 per year
£19,501 to £22,000 per year
£22,001 to £30,000 per year
£30,001 to £50,000 per year
£50,001 to £75,000 per year
More than £75,000 per year
I prefer not to answer
How many people live in your household?

Aged 16 or over (including yourself)
Children under the age of 16
Please indicate to which occupational group the Chief Income Earner in your household belongs, or which group fits best. (Please scroll down to see the complete list)
This could be you: the Chief Income Earner is the person in your household with the largest income.
If the Chief Income Earner is retired and has an occupational pension please answer for their most recent occupation.
If the Chief Income Earner is not in paid employment but has been out of work for less than 6 months, please answer for their most recent occupation.
Semi or unskilled manual work. (e.g. Manual workers, all apprentices to be skilled trades, Caretaker, Park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant)
Skilled manual worker (e.g. Skilled Bricklayer, Carpenter, Plumber, Painter, Bus/ Ambulance Driver, HGV driver, AA patrolman, pub/bar worker,etc)
Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. Office worker, Student Doctor, Foreman with 25+ employees, salesperson, etc)
Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. Newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, Solicitor, Board director small organisation, middle manager in large organisation, principle officer in civil service/local government)
Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. Established doctor, Solicitor, Board Director in a large organisation (200+ employees, top level civil servant/public service employee)
Casual worker – not in permanent employment
Housewife/ Homemaker
Retired and living on state pension
Unemployed or not working due to long-term sickness (more than 6 months)
Full-time carer of other household member
Thank you!
* Many thanks for completing this survey.
As a thank you for your time we will either give you £10 or donate £10 to the Hillingdon Hospital Charitable Trust. For administration of the payment direct to you we need some personal information in particular your e-mail address. Your personal information will be kept separated from your answers to the survey that will remain anonymous.

Donations to Hillingdon Hospital Charitable Trust are used to help the hospital provide a little bit extra such as additional medical equipment, medical research, specialist training and improvements to patient facilities.
Please give £10 to Hillingdon Hospital Charitable Trust
Please contact me to arrange payment: My e-mail is
Thank you!
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