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You are invited to participate in a short customer satisfaction survey for Gardner Med Spa.

If you have not visited the spa, or do not wish to complete the survey, please disregard this email.

Your participation in this short questionnaire is completely voluntary. Your opinion matters greatly to us! Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction and your feedback contributes to that.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

What is the name of the Spa Technician/Aesthetician who provided your service or consultation at Gardner Med Spa?
Were you greeted promptly and in a friendly manner when you arrived at the spa?
Did your service start and end on time?
Was the spa clean and pleasant?
Was your spa service to your complete satisfaction? If no, what could the spa technician have done to make the service better?
Did your spa technician explain what to do after your treatment to better maintain your results? (ex: when to return, other home care products or services that compliment and help maintain results in between treatments, what to avoid, etc.)
Was the check out process after your service friendly, efficient and helpful?
Will you return to Gardner Med Spa?
Would you recommend Gardner Med Spa to your family and friends?
How could we have made your spa experience better or do you have additional comments/suggestions for us?
Thank you for your feedback and participation! Your comments help us serve you, our customer, better. If you would like to contact us directly, please feel free to email [email protected] or [email protected].