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Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 3E Adopter Surve

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For each chapter listed below from Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Third Edition, please indicate the level of usefulness in your course:
Chapter 1, Introduction.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 2, Miscellaneous Math.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 3, Raster Images.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 4, Ray Tracing.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 5, Linear Algebra.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 6, Transformation Matrices.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 7, Viewing.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 8, The Graphics Pipeline.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 9, Signal Processing.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 10, Surface Shading.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 11, Texture Mapping.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 12, Data Structures for Graphics.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 13, More Ray Tracing.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 14, Sampling.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 15, Curves.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 16, Implicit Modeling.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 17, Computer Animation.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 18, Using Graphics Hardware.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 19, Building Interactive Graphics Applications.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 20, Light.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 21, Color.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 22, Visual Perception.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 23, Tone Reproduction.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 24, Global Illumination.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 25, Reflection Models.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 26, Computer Graphics in Games.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 27, Visualization.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
Chapter 28, Spatial-Field Visualization.
Yes, I cover this chapter in its entirety
Yes, I cover some sections
Yes, but only as recommended reading
No, I don’t cover it in my course
For those chapters you do not cover, why do you omit them from your course (select all that apply)?
Not enough time
Too advanced
Poor topic treatment
Covered in other courses
I use my own materials

For each of the pedagogical elements in this text, please indicate the relative usefulness of the feature. For each feature select all the qualities that apply:
Feature: end-of-chapter “Notes”
Underdeveloped (expand this feature)
Feature: end-of-chapter “Frequently Asked Questions”
Underdeveloped (expand this feature)
Feature: end-of-chapter “Exercises”
Underdeveloped (expand this feature)
Feature: marginalia within text (i.e., examples, call-outs, figures)
Underdeveloped (expand this feature)
Which topics do you cover in your course that are not included in the third edition of Fundamentals of Computer Graphics?
What trends are underway in academia, industry or your own department that will impact this course in the next two years?
Have you considered switching to another text? If so, which title and why?
If you could ask the authors to make one improvement, what would it be?
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