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Welcome to the demographic questionnaire for the Frustrating Experiences with Technology study.
In the following text, we are going to provide you with some information about the study including what is expected of you during the study period. If you give your consent to participate in this study, then you will be presented with a short set of demographic questionnaire.

If you have any issues or questions, please contact Miss Rong Hu ([email protected]) or Dr. Christopher Power ([email protected]).
Informed Consent
Informed Consent for Frustrating Experience Survey

1. What is the purpose of the study?
The study aims to investigate how interactive technology frustrates users and what affect these frustrations can have on users’ emotions.

2. Who is running this study?
The study is being run by Miss Rong Hu ([email protected]) who is a Master student in the Human Centred Interactive Technologies programme (HCIT) in the Department of Computer Science at the University of York under the supervision of Dr. Christopher Power ([email protected]) and Prof. Helen Petrie ([email protected]).

3. What will I have to do?
Before the study you will be asked to complete a questionnaire related to your attitudes towards interactive technologies. We will also ask you some demographic questions about yourself and your usual computer habits. The questionnaires are relatively straightforward but if you are unsure how to answer any part you may ask the researcher. In the questionnaire, we also require you to provide your mobile phone number and email addresses. These contact details will only be used to contact you regarding the study, and will not be used for any other purpose or shared with anyone external to the project.

During the day when you have a frustration with technology, we would like you to complete a short questionnaire about that experience. Over a period of a minimum of three weeks we would like you to complete a minimum of 40 of these frustration questionnaires. The web link for this study will be texted to your mobile phone and sent to you in email. You may complete this questionnaire on any platform you like (e.g. desktop, laptop, mobile phone).

At the end of each day for the duration of the study, we will text you a web link for an end of day questionnaire that we would like you to complete.
When the study is complete there will be a post-study questionnaire that will be sent to you for completion.

4. Who will see this data?
The data from this study will only be available to Miss Hu, Dr. Power and Prof. Petrie in its original form. Ms. Hu will compile the data and analyse it for use in her final project. However, once it has been compiled, it will be completely anonymised and you will not be able to be identified with your data. Any results from the study will be released in aggregate form.

5. Do I have to do this?
Your participation is completely voluntary. You can therefore withdraw from the study at any point and you may also request your data be destroyed.

6. Can I ask a question?
If you have any questions about this study or anything else you would like to raise, please contact Miss Rong Hu at [email protected] or Dr. Christopher Power at [email protected].

7. Consent
If you agree to all of the above, please tick the text box below and choose continue to proceed to the demographic questions.
* What is your name?
* What is your email address?
* What is your mobile number?
What is your age?
* What is your sex?
* Are you a student?
* What is your programme of study?
* What is your highest level of education?
Undergraduate degree
Master's degree
* What was the field of study of your highest education qualification?
* Are you currently employed?
* What is your currently employment?
Experience with Technology
* How many years have you used a desktop/laptop for home or work?
* How many years have you used a mobile phone?
How would you rate yourself on each of the following?
Very low Low Neither low nor high High Very high
* Expertise with computers
* Expertise with mobile phones
* Expertise with interactive technology in general
* How many hours per week do you use a computer (include desktop, laptop and tablet) for work, education or leisure?
Attitudes towards Technology
The following questions concern people’s opinions and beliefs about interactive technologies (in the very broad sense that we defined in the introduction to this project). For each statement, choose the response on the rating scale which best indicates how much you agree or disagree with that statement. Please respond to every statement in term of your own experience of using interactive technologies.
If you are not completely sure which response to choose, put the response which you feel is most appropriate. Do not spend too long on each statement.
Please rate each of the following:
Strongly disagree Disagree Don't know Agree Strongly agree
* Interactive technologies are efficient
* Interactive technologies make me nervous
* Interactive technologies have many useful features
* Fashionable people use interactive technologies
* I have difficulty remembering how to use interactive technologies
* Interactive technologies are reliable
* I feel anxious when using interactive technologies
* Interactive technologies help me to do a task effectively
* I can confidently operate interactive technologies
* Learning to use interactive technologies is easy
Strongly disagree Disagree Don't know Agree Strongly agree
* Using interactive technologies is good for my image
* I often need to refer to a manual for help when using interactive technologies
* Interactive technologies are rather difficult to use
* Interactive technologies are the best option for the job
* When I use interactive technologies, I am afraid I will break/crash them
* Interactive technologies are value for money
* Interactive technologies do not make life easier 
* I use interactive technologies because lots of other people use them