Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* How long have you been teaching at Grace College and Seminary? *
1-5 years
More than 15
* In what school do you teach?
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Behavioral Sciences
School of Business
School of Education
School of Ministry Studies
* What is your position at Grace College?
Full Professor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
* Which of these definitions aligns with your interpretation of the flipped class? (Select all that apply)
Students complete pre-class work before class and engage in team work and collaborative learning activities during class
Lectures are recorded as videos for students to view outside of class time freeing up time in class to engage in discussion
The learning environment is designed to switch the focus away from the instructor and toward the students
Homework and lectures are reversed. Recorded lectures are viewed outside of class, and homework is completed during class time
I've never heard of the flipped class

* What has been your experience with flipped classroom?
I have tried it, but I am not going to do it again
I am just learning how to flip my class on my own
I have attended/participated in a presentation/conference/workshop/webinar/forum about flipped classroom
I plan to flip my class next year
I don't intend to flip my class
If you are not flipping your class, please tell me reasons. (Select all that apply)
I don't have enough knowledge about the flipped classroom model
It is a fad that will soon be replaced by the next new thing.
I don't have the time to record my lectures
Lecturing is an essential part of my classes
I have limited experience with and/or knowledge about technology
Lack of institutional support
It is too expensive

How would you rate the level of participation/engagement of the students in your classes?
Fully engaged!
Somewhat engaged.
Rarely participate
Physically present, mentally absent.
How confident do you feel about the possibility of recording your lectures?
Very confident!
Somewhat confident.
Not confident
* How confident/open do you feel about using video lectures created by other professors/professionals in the area you teach? 
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Not confident
I'm terrified
* Which of the following best describe(s) your beliefs about assigning recorded lectures for students to watch on their own before class time? Select all that apply.
The content I teach cannot be put into a short video
Students do not watch the videos and come unprepared to class
Watching videos is not homework
It feels like I'm not doing my job, I was hired to teach!
Students expect me to teach/lecture in class

* Are you familiar with the following apps and software specifically designed to make flipping the classroom easier (Select all that apply)?
Adobe Spark
Office Mix
Explain Everything
None of the above

* Which of the following software and services do you use regularly in your classroom? (Select all that apply)?
Educational websites for teachers
Educational websites for students
Video streaming websites
Subject-specific websites
Online assessment/quizzes
Apps for tablet/mobile
Video conferencing
Social media/networks
Own developed software
Google doc/sites
None of the above

* What devices do you allow/encourage your students to use during class as part of the learning experince (Select all that apply)?
CD/Mp3 player
Smart phone
Kindle E-readers
None of the above