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You are participating in the Feedback Tool. You will be presented with 30 unique statements. Each question asks you to assign a measurement of how often your Co-Worker or Lead you are assessing engages in a particular behavior.

Please read each item carefully, consider the 1-10 rating scale featured here, and select the number that best applies.

• Ask yourself, "How frequently does this Person (Co-Worker or Lead) engage in the behavior described?"
• Remember that this form scale is a measure of frequency, from almost never to almost always, and not of how satisfied you are with the Person's (Co-Worker or Lead) behavior or how well you believe the person displays a particular behavior.
• Be honest and realistic. Answer each question based on how this person typically behaves-with most people, under most circumstances.
• If you feel the person rarely engages in a specific behavior and a statement does not apply, assign a rating of 3 or lower.
1. Sets a personal example of what he/she expects of others
2. Talks about future trends that will influence how our work gets done
3. Seeks out challenging opportunities that test his/her own skills and abilities
4. Develops cooperative relationships among the people he/she works with
5. Praises people for a job well done
6. Spends time and energy making certain that the people he/she works with adhere to the principles and standards that we have agreed on
How often do you conduct surveys?
How often do you conduct surveys?
How often do you conduct surveys?
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