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How old are you?
Under 18
19 - 25
26 - 35
36 - 45
46 - 55
Over 55
How long have you worked at this organization for?
Under 6 months
6 months - 1 year
1 - 3+ years
4 - 6+ years
7 - 10+ years
Over 10 years
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Some High School
High School Graduate
Some College
Bachelor’s Degree
Master’s Degree
Doctorate Degree
About how much time was spent on your training?
1 - 5 hours
A couple of days
A week or more
Do you feel you were trained enough to adequately perform your job duties?
How often does management show recognition for work you have done?
A few times a year
A few times a week
How satisfied are you with the following:
Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
When shown recognition for work you have done, you feel more encouraged and happier working for the company.
I feel appreciated by management for the work I do.
I find my job challenging.
I am given opportunities to learn new skills and job tasks.
I am paid fairly for the amount of work that I do.
I feel that I have a career and am able to progress in the company.
I feel management cares about my opinions on decisions that affect the workplace.
Overall I am satisfied with the company I work for.
Please rank the following reasons for employee turnover in order of importance to you:
Recieving Adequate Training
Job Recognition
Interesting Work
Growth/Development Opportunity
Inclusion in Decision Making
May I use your responses in my thesis study?
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