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* Does your school have a 3M-sponsored sales program?
Yes No
* How did you find out about the Frontline Student Initiative Program offered by 3M?
* Were you considering any other internship programs at the time you chose to accept the internship offer from 3M?
Yes No
* What information was presented to you that attracted your attention to and interest in the Frontline Student Initiative Program?
* Was a 3M representative available to answer your questions?
Yes No
* In your opinion, did the representative have a positive attitude?
Yes No Did not talk to 3M representative
* Which of the following was your ultimate goal in participating in the Frontline Student Initiative Program?
Full-time job offer
Opportunities to network
Sales experience
Connect business education to real world business experience
* Did you want your participation in the Frontline Student Initiative Program to ultimately lead to a long-term job at 3M?
Yes No
* Did you have a division preference?
Yes No
10. Skip this question, if you answered no to question 9.
Were you placed in that division?
Yes No
11. Skip the question if you answered yes to question 9.
Were you satisfied with the division you were placed in?
Yes No
* Was the chance to shadow sales representatives a priority for you?
Yes No I was in Customer Service
* Was having exposure to other 3M divisions a priority for you?
Yes No
* Was having a project that contributes to corporate/division goals a priority to you?
Yes No
* Was it a priority to have an assignment that would help improve your weaknesses?
Yes No
16. If you answered no to question 15, skip this question
Did your assignment fulfill that priority?
Yes No
* Did your division provide you with the tools to complete your summer assignment?
Yes No
* Were you given adequate product information and training?
Yes No
* Did you have to repeatedly ask for information clarification because it was not explained well enough?
Yes No
* Were you provided adequate training on e-Tools and other technological resources?
Yes No
* Were division employees, besides your supervisors, willing to interact and provide feedback on your summer assignment?
Yes No
* Were you able to schedule meetings with your supervisors and other division employees when needed?
Yes No
* Did you ask questions when you were confused on or needed help with your assignment?
Yes No
24. If you answered no to question 23, skip this question.
* Was there always someone there to answer them?
Yes No
25. If you answered yes to question 23, skip this question.
Is it because there was no one there to answer them?
Yes No
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
* The internship was a successful in allowing me to fulfill my goals for the summer.
27. How satisfied were you that your assignment...
Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
* Allowed you to use your sales and marketing skill sets
* Served a good learning tool
* Helped to improve personal weaknesses
* Was the mid-term evaluation effective in pinpointing areas you needed to improve that in turn helped make your internship successful?
Yes No
* Why did you accept the permanent job offer?
* Why are you choosing to remain employed at 3M?
* Do you feel secure in your current position?
Yes No
* Do you want to be promoted?
Yes No
* Are you satisfied with your salary?
Yes No
Why are you satisfied with your salary?
Why aren't you satisfied with your salary?
* Do you have any intentions of quitting your job at 3M?
Yes No
Why are you intended to quit your job?
* Is 3M making you content enough in your job to retain you for the next 5 years?
Yes No
* What, if anything, would 3M do to make you want to leave the company?
* Is 3M challenging you professionally to your satisfaction?
Yes No
* Based on your internship experience, was the partnership between 3M and your college's Department of Business valuable in helping you decide to make the transition into sales/marketing?
Yes No 3M does not have a partnership with my school
* Are you rewarded or acknowledged for your achievements?
Yes No
* If you could have one job request from 3M, what would it be?
* Since your permanent employment with 3M, have you been relocated?
Yes No
45. If you answered no to question 44, skip this question
* What affect did the relocation have on you personally?
Good Mixed Feelings Bad
46. If you answered yes to question 44, skip this question.
Would you be unhappy if you were relocated?
Yes No
* Are you satisfied with your job at 3M?
Yes No
* Rank the following in the order in which they motivate you most in your job with 1 being the Most Motivating and 6 being the Least Motivating.
Medical Benefits
Job Responsibilities
Opportunity for Promotion
Many Divisions to Choose From
Support and Encouragement from Co-Workers
* Is 3M providing you with all the tools you feel you need to succeed in your job?
Yes No
What more could 3M provide you with?
* What are some of your life and career priorities right now?
52. Please select your level of agreement.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
* I have an open communication relationship with my supervisor.
Please contact [email protected] or click here if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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