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* What is the impact (effect) of the author’s word choice when describing the Dust Bowl conditions as "unfit for man or beast" in the article?
A) The author's word choice is describing the effect.
B) The Dust Bowl conditions were not suitable for man nor beast
C) The impact of the author's word choice demonstrates the severity of the conditions
D) The Dust Bowl conditions describe the unlivable conditions of the Great Depression and the 10-year drought.
* What two words or phrases from the first section help to support the tone of the passage?
A) plains were torn
B) increasingly bare
C) climatic extremes
D) demand for wheat
Please indicate by importance the factors that lead to the Dust Bowl:
Very Unimportant Somewhat Unimportant Neutral Somewhat Important Very Important
* Wind
* Wheat
* Grazing
* Geography
* Home construction
* High temperatures
* Poor soil conservation
* What impact does the use of first-hand accounts in the article when describing the terrifying conditions of the Dust Bowl?
A) Provides a visual of their world in chaos
B) Describes medical conditions in the 1930s
C) Shows the violence of Great Plains weather
D) Describes the conditions they experienced
* What is the impact of the author's word choice when describing how humans were partly to blame for causing the Dust Bowl?
A) The author's bias against settlers moving West.
B) The author implies the high wheat prices after WWI.
C) The author suggests farming methods were to blame.
D) The author mentions the damage created by the Aquifer.
* How does the image support the following excerpt?
"The dust penetrated everything and everywhere.
Wherever air could go, dust could infiltrate"

See Image on computer
A) the bare trees
B) the dusty landscape
C) the instability of the house
D) all of the above