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List the brewed flavored coffees that we have. (Not including drinks with mocha)
How often should coffes be refreshed?
One a week
Twice a week
Every three days
Every five days
How often should milk and cream containers be cleaned?
One a week
They never need to be cleaned out
When they start to smell
Every time they need to be refilled
What is in a Godiva Chocolate Chip drink? GIve measurements.
At the end of the day, how should you be cleaning the espresso machine?
What is the difference between a long and a short espresso shot?
There is less coffee in a short than a long
A long shot is stronger
They have the same amount of coffee just different strengths
A short is used in a regular sized latte or cappacino
When would you use a short espresso shot?
Explain when you would use a regular espresso shot. When would you use a long espresso shot?
What is in a Peanut Butter Bliss iced coffee?
Toasted Almond and Mocha
Toffee Caramel and Mocha
White Chocolate Chip and Mocha
Snickerdoodle and Mocha
How often do you conduct surveys?
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