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Doctor on Demand overview

Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
Hello Team,

You are invited to participate in a survey for Doctor on Demand. In this survey, you will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about Doctor on Demand. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

* Please enter your full name here:
Please rank (1-3) the following in order of importance.
DoD Notifications
Doctor call attempts
What 2 systems is our application compatible with?
What is the proper chain for escalations?
Ruth, Sabrina, Nino, Jessica
Sabrina, Ruth, Jessica, Nino
Jessica, Ruth, Sabrina, Nino
Nino, Ruth, Sabrina, Jessica
Please arrange the DoD Notifications in the correct order of Importance
Initial connection failed
Doctor aborted Call
Could not match member to doctor
Favorite doctor missed call
Reconnection attempt failed.
Member cancelled prior to call start
Normal call end (short)
CC authorization failed
We need to check for Voicemails every_______.
15 Minutes
30 Minutes
1 hour
2 hours