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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* Can you identify the social factors that contribute to disaster impact in your city?
* What specific Hazard Mitigation practices does your city utilize?
* Please explain your recovery preparedness practices, specific to lower socioeconomic communities in your city.
* Please explain your preparedness practices, specific to low socioeconomic communities in your city.
* Are you familiar with process of “Resilient City Planning and design”?
* If familiar with " Resilient city Planning Design, please explain and your thought of usefulness?
Do you use the “community hazard/vulnerability analysis (HVA)”?
* How effective to think “warning and evacuation tools” are in the more urban and lower socioeconomic communities in your city?
* Do you think that preparedness programs (Such as the Red Cross “Get a kit, Make a Plan, Stay informed) are effective in these kinds of communities? YES/NO Please explain.
Please Rate the methods of Preparedness outreach (Before the Disaster) in these communities:
Public Service announcement
Town meeting
Mailed information
Information through the schools