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CWS Survey: One Size Fits One. CWS Fits YOU.

Exit Survey


CWS is committed to building relationships one customer and one employee at a time in 2016.

Relocation encompasses a highly personalized, customer-driven environment and we encourage you to no longer settle for the ordinary housing provider.  One size truly only fits one and it is our goal to embrace YOUR size.

Please help us by completing our client survey.  Our goal is 100% participation by June 15th - I will be sending follow-up reminder emails.

You have been selected as an essential participant in our survey and your thoughts, opinions, and feedback are vital to the continual improvement of CWS Corporate Housing.  I cannot stress how important your responses are to this process.  The KEY to the success of this survey is clear, honest communication.  Our mission is to continue to strive to be the best partner to work with and be your housing provider of choice.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the NEXT button below.

* Name
* What is your biggest challenge in corporate housing?
* What is the best part of working with CWS? Is there anything we could do differently to make the process easier?
* Does CWS have the opportunity to be a part of your Supplier summit/conference this year or next? Details if applicable.
* Are there any charitable organizations that are dear to you?
* What is your employee gift policy? Can CWS mail client logoed appreciation gifts to you & your team?
* Would you allow us to join in celebrating your birthday? If so, please provide your birthday in MM/DD format.
* Please share your most memorable moment working with CWS. We would love to hear your experience and share your testimony.
* May CWS survey your team with questions similar to these?