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1. Care dintre serviciile noastre va sunt oferite in momentul de fata?/What services do we provide to you in this moment?
Administrare contracte de munca/Employment contracts administration
Consultanta legislatia muncii/Labour legislation consulting
Intocmire proceduri/HR Procedures
Contract colectiv de munca/Collective Employment Agreement

2. Cum ati evalua nivelul general de satisfactie a colaborarii noastre?How would you evaluate your general satisfaction related to our collaboration?
Foarte buna/Very good
Nu foarte buna/Not very good
3. Cum ati aprecia urmatoarele caracteristici in ceea ce ne priveste?How whould you appreciate the following characteristics?
Nesatisfacator/Not satisfying Satisfacator/Satisfying Bun/Good Foarte bun/Very good
Experienta-cunostintele personalului in domeniu/Experience - knowledge
Livrarea la timp a serviciilor/Services delivering on time
Calitatea serviciilor/Quality of services
4. Cum ne-ati califica in comparatie cu alte companii care furnizeaza acelasi tip de servicii?How would you qualify us compared with othee similar providers?
Mai buni/Better
La fel/Same
Mai putin buni/Less good
5. Care sunt punctele noastre forte?What are our strong points?
6. Care sunt punctele noastre slabe?/What are our weak points?
7. Va rugam sa completati in continuare. Serviciile noastre sunt.../Please, finish the afirmation. Our services are...
Mai bune decat ma asteptam/Better then expected
Potrivit asteptarilor/According to our expectation
Sub asteptari/Bellow expectation
8. Va rugam sa evaluati cat de mult sunteti de acord cu urmatoarele afirmatii:/Please, evaluate if you agree the following:
Nu/No Nu prea/Not really Da/Yes Foarte mult/Very much
Serviciile noastre au jucat un rol cheie in cresterea rezultatelor afacerii dvs./Our services have played a key role in increasing of your business
Costul serviciilor noastre este proportional cu valoarea obtinuta/The costs of our services are equitable with their value
Am indeplinit obiectivele stabilite/We fulfiled our objectives
Noi intelegem nevoile companiei dvs/We understand your company's needs
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