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Clemson University Local/Regional Food Systems Summit
Friday, March 9, 2012 9 am – 4 pm
Clemson Outdoor Lab – Kresge Hall

Dear Clemson Colleagues,

In preparation for the Clemson Local/Regional Food System Development Summit, we are asking all participants to complete the following on-line submission form.

In this form, we are seeking basic project/program descriptions along with basic contact information of those involved. We plan to compile these forms into a document to be shared with participants on March 9. We may also develop a website using this information. So, please be thoughtful and concise with your responses.

We will also be using the information provided to develop the agenda for the Summit. So, please respond as soon as possible. The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 10.

We look forward to receiving your replies and to seeing you at the Summit on March 9. The Summit will be held at Kresge Hall at the Clemson Outdoor Lab. A catered lunch will be provided. [note: We are seeking financial support to offset costs, but we might need to charge a reasonable registration fee.]

Best Regards,

The CU Local/Regional Food Systems Development Summit Planning Committee
Last Name
First Name
Email Address
Department or School
Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences
Architecture, Arts, and Humanities
Business and Behavioral Science
Engineering and Science
Health, Education, and Human Development
Calhoun Honors College
Emeritus College
Graduate School
Project/Program Title
Please Provide a 3-5 Sentence Description of Your Project/Program.
Please List the Expected Outcomes of the Project/Program.
Project/Program Location/Region
List Clemson Personnel Involved and How Involved
List Non-Clemson Collaborators and How Involved
Are you willing to make a brief oral presentation of your project on March 9 at the CU Local/Regional Food Systems Development Summit?
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