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How professional is CR Solutions?
Extremely professional
Very professional
Moderately professional
Slightly professional
Not at all professional
How convenient is CR Solutions' IT support service to use?
Extremely convenient
Very convenient
Moderately convenient
Slightly convenient
Not at all convenient
How well do you feel that our company understands your business' needs?
Extremely well
Quite well
Moderately well
Slightly well
Not at all well
Compared to your other vendors, is our service quality and response time better, worse, or about the same?
A great deal better
Quite a bit better
Somewhat better
About the same
Somewhat worse
Quite a bit worse
A great deal worse
Don't know
When considering IT hardware and software purchases, does your organization:
Request a quote from, and generally purchase from, CR Solutions
Request a quote from CR Solutions, generally purchase elsewhere
Do not request quotes from CR Solutions, always purchase elsewhere
Don't know
Overall, how responsive have we been to your questions or concerns about your IT service and support needs?
Extremely responsive
Quite responsive
Moderately responsive
Slightly responsive
Not at all responsive
Overall, are you satisfied with the employees and services at CR Solutions, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with them, or dissatisfied with them?
Extremely satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Slightly dissatisfied
Extremely dissatisfied
If you currently utilize CR Solutions support on a "call as needed" basis, how interested would you be in receiving managed IT services for a budget-able, flat monthly fee?
Very interested
Moderately interested
Neither interested nor dis-interested
Not interested
Not applicable / already utilize managed IT service
How well do CR Solutions technical services personnel answer your questions or solve your problems?
Extremely well
Quite well
Moderately well
Slightly well
Not at all well