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What is your principal activity in your current position at this institution?
Services to students

What is your academic rank at this institution?
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Are you currently serving in an administrative position as: (Mark all that apply)
Department chair
Dean (Associate or Assistant)
Not Applicable
Have you engaged in any of the following professional development opportunities at your institution?
Paid workshops outside the institution focused on teaching
Internal grants for research
Training for administrative leadership
Received incentives to develop new courses
Received incentives to integrate new technology into your classroom

Indicate the importance to you of each of the following education goals for undergraduate students
Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important
Develop ability to think critically
Prepare students for employment after college
Prepare students for graduate or advanced education
Develop moral character
Help students develop personal values
Enhance students’ self-understanding
Instill in students a commitment to community service
Enhance students’ knowledge of and appreciation for other racial/ethnic groups
Help master knowledge in a discipline
Develop creative capacities
Instill a basic appreciation of the liberal arts
Indicate how well each of the following describes your college or university
Very Descriptive Somewhat Descriptive Not Descriptive
It is easy for students to see faculty outside of regular office hours
The faculty are typically at odds with campus administration
Faculty here respect each other
Most students are treated like “numbers in a book”
Faculty are rewarded for being good teachers
There is respect for the expression of diverse values and beliefs
Faculty are rewarded for their efforts to use instructional technology
Administrators consider faculty concerns when making policy
The administration is open about its policies
There is effective communication among departments and leaders
The goals of leaders for the university are clear
The expression of new ideas from faculty are valued by leaders
How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your job?
Very Satisfied Satisfied Not Satisfied
Opportunity for scholarly pursuits
Teaching load
Quality of students
Office/lab space
Autonomy and independence
Professional relationships with other faculty
Social relationships with other faculty
Competency of colleagues
Departmental leadership
Course assignments
Freedom to determine course content
Overall job satisfaction
Below are some statements about your university. Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with.
Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree
Faculty are interested in students’ personal problems
Racial and ethnic diversity should be more strongly reflected in the curriculum
Faculty feel that most students are well-prepared academically
Student Affairs staff have the support and respect of faculty
Faculty are committed to the welfare of this institution
Faculty here are strongly interested in the academic problems of undergraduates
Faculty are sufficiently involved in campus decision making
My values are congruent with the dominant institutional values
There is adequate support for faculty development
Indicate how important you believe each priority listed below is at your university:
High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority
To promote the intellectual development of students
To develop a sense of community among students and faculty
To facilitate student involvement in community service
To help students learn how to bring about change in society
To increase or maintain institutional prestige
To hire faculty “stars”
To recruit more minority students
To enhance the institution’s national image
To create a diverse multi-cultural campus environment
To promote gender equity among faculty
High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority
To provide resources for faculty to engage in community-based teaching or research
To create and sustain partnerships with surrounding communities
To pursue grant funding
To increase the representation of minorities in the faculty and administration
To develop leadership ability among students
To develop collaborative planning among departments
To develop effective communication among faculty and leaders
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