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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* Tick the circle that for you best describes/ defines contraception
Contraception is a measure that necessarily implies the non-fulfillment of one of the purposes of marriage, namely procreation of the human species.
The deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse.
Contraception (birth control) prevents pregnancy by interfering with the normal process of ovulation, fertilization, and implantation.
* At the scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how much do you know about artificial contraceptives?
* At the scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how much do you know about natural contraceptives?
* Check the different contraceptive methods you are familiar with
Barrier Methods [Male and Female condoms, Diaphragms, Cervical Caps, Contraceptive sponges, Spermicides]
Hormonal Methods [Combined oral contraceptives ("the pill"), Progestin-only pills (POPs), Contraceptive patch, Injectable birth control, vaginal rings, Implantable rods, Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECPs)]
Intrauterine Methods [A copper IUD, A hormonal IUD]
Sterilization [sterilization implant, Tubal ligation, Vasectomy]
Natural Methods [Abstinence, Withdrawal Method, Calendar Rhythm Method, Basal Body Temperature, Mucus Inspection Method, Symptothermal method]

* What do you think is the main reason for couples to use contraceptives?
They don’t want the responsibility of having a family/ children
They are financially unprepared to have additional child
For safe sex (to avoid commitment, relationship)
For health/medical purposes (i.e. ease of dysmenorrhea, regulation of menstrual cycle)
* Given the chance, what will you endorse?
Only the natural method of contraceptives
Only the Artificial method of contraceptives
I leave it to the conscience of the couple
* Do you think CONTRACEPTIVE is wrong in itself?
If YES, check any of the following statements which best support your stand:
It breaks the natural connection between the procreative and the unitive purposes of sex
It turns sex into a non-marital act
It gives human beings the power to decide when a new life should begin - that power belongs to God
It reduces male respect for women
It contributes to divorce and abortion
It is dangerous for the health, especially for women
If NO, check any of the following statements which best support your stand:

It will impede the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
It will help the economy by the proper allocation of natural resources and depletion of population
It will decrease the number of possible abortion and divorce
It is a natural part of wise family planning
It promotes gender equality and the autonomy and freedom of women
It enables women whose health would be at risk if they conceived, to continue to have sex