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Exit Survey

Goodness and Wonder, School of Natural Skincare, would like to invite you to answer a short survey. After survey completion, you will be rewarded a FREE & exclusive Summer Radiance Recipe Book!

Before answering our survey, you need to first take a look our new website - in order to be able to answer our questions.

The purpose of this survey helps us to understand your valuable opinion and satisfaction on our website so that we can bring you a better browsing experience.

Many thanks and have a lovely summer!

Gail Francombe
Founder of Goodness and Wonder, School of Natural Skincare
Overall, how would you rate the following for new website of Goodness and Wonder, School of Natural Skincare Please rate the following from 1-10, 1 means absolutely disagree, 10 means absolutely agree.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Overall, I like the website
Overall, I feel I can trust the website
Overall, I feel website is secure
Please rate the following attributes of the new website of Goodness and Wonder, School of Natural Skincare Please rate the following from 1-10, 1 means absolutely disagree, 10 means absolutely agree.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Allow me to identify the purpose of the website quickly
I found it intuitive to navigate
Allow me to easily find or search for what I want
Content is related to my interest and need
Content is clear, easy to read and follow
The visual and design of the website can attract my attention
Information is presented excessively
Website layout is designed to make me easy to read
Information is up-to-dated
Website speed/loading time is acceptable
Provide enough help & support
Website has good functionality
Website is user-friendly
What content would you like to know from our new website,or e-newsletter? (You can select more than one answers!)
Quick and easy home-made skincare recipe?
Anti-aging recipe for older skin?
Recommended recipe for sensitive skin?
How to make creams?
Information about ingredients?
Promotional offers, coupon, free giveaway?
Other (pls specify):

After visiting our new website , how likely would you do the following in our website? Please rate the following from 1-10, 1 means the most unlikely, 10 means the most likely.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Come to our website again to see new updates?
Recommend the website/blog post to friends or family?
Potentially make a purchase on natural skincare workshop or e-course?
Have you ever visited the our old website ?
What is your gender?
Please tell us your contact information so that we can send you the FREE & exclusive Summer Radiance Recipe Book.
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
* Email Address :