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* Where do you invest your savings in stock market  ?
i. Equity
ii. Mutual funds
iii. Forex
iv. Commodities
v. Fixed deposits
vi. Others
* Why do you invest in the stock market ? Choose any one of the following:
i. To generate income in the short run
ii. To generate income in the long run
iii. To provide for my dependents
iv. To fund a large purchase in the future
What influences you to invest your money ?
i. Self awareness
ii. Financial advisors
iii. Broker’s advice
iv. Friend’s or relative’s advice
v. Media
Rank the following factors in terms of your priority while investing. 1 being most important and 5 being least important:
i. Safety
ii. High return
iii. Liquidity
iv. Less risk
v. Marketability
Rank the following investment instruments in terms of risk.  1 being the lowest risk and 5 for highest risk:
i. Equity
ii. Mutual funds
iii. Fixed deposits
iv. Forex
v. Commodities
According to your knowledge about the investment opportunities , which area of investment gives the highest return in the long run:
1 being the lowest return and 5 for highest return:
i. Equity
ii. Mutual funds
iii. Fixed deposits
iv. Forex
v. Commodities
How much return you expect from any financial instrument ?
i. Below 10%
ii. 10-20%
iii. 20-30%
iv. 30-40%
v. 40-50%
vi. More than 50%
What is the percentage of your savings from your total income ?
i. Below 20%
ii. 20% - 30%
iii. 30% - 40%
iv. 40% - 50%
v. Above 50%
“Market movement affects the investment pattern of my investment “. Do you agree with this statement ?
i. Strongly agree
ii. Agree
iii. Neutral
iv. Disagree
v. Strongly disagree
What is the frequency of your investment ?
i. Weekly
ii. Monthly
iii. Quarterly
iv. Yearly