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Exit Survey
Do you drive a car?
Yes / No (if no, skip to end)
What is the make, model, and year of the vehicle you drive most often?
(note: accurate vehicle specs can be obtained for comparison)
Do you know how many gallons of gas your vehicle holds?
__ no idea 1-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30+
Do you know about how many miles can you drive on one tank of gas?
__ no idea 1-99 100-149 150-199 200-249 250-299 300+
Do you know how many cylinders your vehicle's engine has?
__ no idea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 other ________
About how many miles do you live from the nearest edge of campus?
On average, about how often do you fill up with gas?
More than once a week
Once a week
Every other week
Every three weeks
Once a month
How satisfied are you with the time it takes you to drive to and from school?
Very satisfied Fairly satisfied neither Fairly unsatisfied Very unsatisfied
How much time on average does parking add to your commute?
A) none at all
B) 0-5 minutes
C) 6-10 minutes
D) 11-15 minutes
E) 15+

Have you ever been late to campus appointments or class due to parking?
Yes / No