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Please help us improve RJMetrics by answering some questions about your experiences with our product. This survey should take no longer than 3-5 minutes.

One randomly selected individual will receive a 16GB iPad 3 in appreciation for your feedback.

Thanks again,
Robert Moore, CEO, RJMetrics
* Which business intelligence problems are you most interested in addressing?
Understanding the lifetime value of my customers
Analyzing how users interact with my website
Basic reporting on my company’s health metrics like revenue, orders, customers, etc.
Generating mailing lists of customers that meet certain criteria
Forecasting my company’s performance
Understanding where my best customers are coming from
Determining what my best products are
Building analyses to show to investors and potential investors

* Which of the following are most important to you in selecting a product like RJMetrics?
Pre-built analyses showing me the “right” data to be looking at
Not having to create my own data warehouse
The ability to run SQL-like queries directly on my data
A central interface for me to share and collaborate on analyses with my investors and colleagues
A simple interface for non-technical users to perform analyses

* How large is your company?
1-5 employees
6-20 employees
20-100 employees
100+ employees
* How would you describe your role at the company?
Founder or C-level executive
Marketing professional
Technology professional
Data scientist or data analyst
Consultant or Investor
* How would you classify your company’s business model?
Traditional ecommerce
Flash Sale/Daily Deal/”Next Gen” e-commerce
Social Networking
Venture Capital
* Do you have the authority to make purchasing decisions for your company for product like RJMetrics?
What is the title of the person who would need to approve the purchasing decision?
* Are you currently using any of these other tools to analyze your data? (select all that apply)
An in-house system

* How did you hear about us?
another RJMetrics customer
news article
web search
our blog
Google Ad
* Which sources do you consult regularly (at least 3-5 times per week) for news?
New York Times
Business Insider
All Things D
Hacker News
Pando Daily
Wall Street Journal

How can we make RJMetrics a more useful product?
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