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In the past year and a half, collectively and individually, we have grown strong as a church. And this has been amazing to see. In about a month and a half, COAH will take a huge step forward. We will officially launch. Glory to God in the highest! In preparation for launch, we are desiring your input on how we can better serve our flock and our community. Your input will help guide and shape our ministries moving forward. We ask for your assistance. Before you begin the survey, please take a few moments to pray. Ask the LORD for wisdom, discernment, and clarity. May His Spirit be your guide.

In Christ,

COAH’s Leadership Team
The leaders of our church provide clear direction.
Excellent (We are doing exceptional in this area)
Adequate (We are average, nothing exceptional, but no real concerns)
Needs Attention (We have some concern in this area)
Needs Immediate Attention (We are greatly concerned about this area)
The leaders of our church is leading the church in the right direction spiritually.
Excellent (We are doing exceptional in this area)
Adequate (We are average, nothing exceptional, but no real concerns)
Needs Attention (We have some concern in this area)
Needs Immediate Attention (We are greatly concerned about this area)
The leaders of our church is leading the church in the right direction organizationally.
Excellent (We are doing exceptional in this area)
Adequate (We are average, nothing exceptional, but no real concerns)
Needs Attention (We have some concern in this area)
Needs Immediate Attention (We are greatly concerned about this area)
I am satisfied with the job the leaders of our church is doing.
Excellent (We are doing exceptional in this area)
Adequate (We are average, nothing exceptional, but no real concerns)
Needs Attention (We have some concern in this area)
Needs Immediate Attention (We are greatly concerned about this area)
The leaders of our church provide direction for the programs and ministries of the church.
Excellent (We are doing exceptional in this area)
Adequate (We are average, nothing exceptional, but no real concerns)
Needs Attention (We have some concern in this area)
Needs Immediate Attention (We are greatly concerned about this area)
The leaders of our church are providing spiritual leadership to the church.
Excellent (We are doing exceptional in this area)
Adequate (We are average, nothing exceptional, but no real concerns)
Needs Attention (We have some concern in this area)
Needs Immediate Attention (We are greatly concerned about this area)
The leaders of our church demonstrate a godly character.
Excellent (We are doing exceptional in this area)
Adequate (We are average, nothing exceptional, but no real concerns)
Needs Attention (We have some concern in this area)
Needs Immediate Attention (We are greatly concerned about this area)
The leaders of our church provide godly examples to follow.
Excellent (We are doing exceptional in this area)
Adequate (We are average, nothing exceptional, but no real concerns)
Needs Attention (We have some concern in this area)
Needs Immediate Attention (We are greatly concerned about this area)
The leaders of our church listen to my concerns.
Excellent (We are doing exceptional in this area)
Adequate (We are average, nothing exceptional, but no real concerns)
Needs Attention (We have some concern in this area)
Needs Immediate Attention (We are greatly concerned about this area)
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