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What is your overall satisfaction with Employee Navigator?
Very Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
How long have you been using Employee Navigator products and services?
Less than 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1-2 Years
2+ Years
How satisfied are you with Employee Navigator's products and services in the following areas:
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Design and appearance
Customer service
Ability to meet needs
Employee knowledge and support
Flexibility on customization options
How easy was the implementation process?
Fairly easy
Somewhat easy
Fairly Cumbersome
Very difficult
What could be improved in the implementation process?
Was there any service expected but not received? If yes, explain.
If you have any other comments or wishes in regards to Employee Navigator's products or services, please share them.
Contact Information
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Phone : 
Email Address : 
How likely are you to recommend Employee Navigator products and services?
Very likely
Not Likely
I would not recommend
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