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This is Ping. Please can you help me with a short survey on Chinese Learning. It will help me with my studies  and improve my teaching skills. 
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
Are you girl or boy?
Which class are you in?
Y 2
Y 3
Y 4
Y 5
Y 6
Yes No
Do you speak mandarin or Cantonese at home?
Do your families speak mandarin?
Do you have any Chinese relations?
How agreed are you with the following:
Very Disagreed Disagreed Neutral Agreed Very Agreed
1. I enjoy learning mandarin.
2. I am good at learning mandarin.
3. I want to learn another new language.
4. Learning mandarin is cool.
5. I want to talk with Chinese people.
6. I like Chinese people, and I’m interested in Chinese culture.
7. I want to travel around china.
8. My classmates are learning mandarin. I want to do the same thing with them.
9. I don’t know why I take the Chinese course.
10. Taking Chinese class make me feel nervous and uneasy.
11. Answering questions in Chinese class let me feel not be left out.
How agreed are you with the following:
Very Disagreed Disagreed Neutral Agreed Very Agreed
12. My families want me to learn mandarin, encouraged me to take Chinese class.
13. Sometimes my families talk in Chinese.
14. I have relatives in china, learning mandarin can let me interact with them.
15. As a Chinese, I need to know how to speak Chinese.
How agreed are you with the following:
Very Disagreed Disagreed Neutral Agreed Very Agreed
16. The school requires me to take Chinese course.
17. The school provides us with a good Chinese learning environment.
18. I like Chinese activities organized by school, like Chinese new year.
19. Very few people speak Chinese at school.
20. Chinese class time is too long.
How agreed are you with the following:
Very Disagreed Disagreed Neutral Agreed Very Agreed
21. The things we are learning in Chinese class are very interesting.
22. The Chinese pictures used by the teacher are very beautiful.
23. I like the songs played by Chinese teacher.
24. The Chinese class games are very colorful, I would like to join in.
25. The teaching style of Chinese teacher is appropriate.
26. The relaxed atmosphere of classroom makes me feel easy.
27. Chinese class is boring.
28. There is nothing I can learn in Chinese class.
29. Chinese class is very difficult. It is a challenge for me.
How agreed are you with the following:
Very Disagreed Disagreed Neutral Agreed Very Agreed
30. The Chinese teacher often has interaction with us in the class.
31. The Chinese teacher criticizes us often.
32. The Chinese teacher converse with us at break time, I like the teacher.
33. The Chinese teacher praise and encourage us.
34. Chinese teacher is fair.
35. The Chinese teacher is to strict.