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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
Please answer each question by marking the appropriate box and/or by filling in the requested information in the space provided. Remember that all your answers are completely confidential and will not be shared with the agency.

1. Please indicate the extent to which you feel comfortable in doing the following. (Fill in one for each row)
Very uncomfortable Uncomfortable Neutral Comfortable Very comfortable
* a. Praise the offender for successful completion of a task or for achieving a goal.
* b. Establish or review a behavioral contract for services/control.
* c. Remind the offender that he/she should be more committed to change.
* d. Letting the offender know that they have a valid point.
* e. Telling the offender that they have to tell their family and/or friends about their problems.
* f. Asking questions that allow the offender to comment on their progress made.
* g. Summarize what the offender said to allow him/her to hear their own ideas.
* h. Repeating the exact words that the offender said to get feedback from him/her.
* i. Telling the offender that he/she needs to change their behavior or they will be violated.
* j. Reiterating to the offender an area that they should desire to change.
Very uncomfortable Uncomfortable Neutral Comfortable Very comfortable
* k. Working at getting the offender to discuss change.
* l. Exploring how the offender can strengthen their commitment to change.
* m. Indicating to the offender that what they are doing is not right.
* n. Helping the offender see the difference between where his/her life is and where the offender wants to be in the future.
* o. Asking the offender to identify different ways that they could handle a difficult situation in the future.
* p. Telling the offender to take your advice since you have handled many problems in the past.
* q. Asking only specific questions to avoid getting into a lengthy discussion.
* r. Reminding the offender that he/she is under supervision and needs to be more careful in his/her decision.
2. To what extent do you use the following case management practices with offenders on your caseload? (Check one for each row)
Never Some of the time About half the time Most of the time Always
a. Provide the offender with a written plan that includes rules and conditions of supervision and addresses their criminogenic needs.
b. Review the written plan with the offender.
b. Offender signs a written copy of plan.
c. Graduated sanctions.
d. Graduated incentives.
3. In monitoring the progress of offenders on your caseload who is attending a treatment program or other service, how frequently do you typically engage in each of the following activities? (Check one for each row)
Never Every 2-3 months Once a month Every 2 weeks Weekly or more
a. Face-to-face contact with offender.
b. Face-to-face contact with offender’s family.
c. Telephone contact with offender.
d. Telephone or face-to-face contact with program staff.
e. Contact with or reporting to court or parole officials.
f. Review urinalysis results.
Skill Quiz
Please answer each question by marking the appropriate box. Remember that all your answers are completely confidential and will not be shared with the agency.

4. The Risk Principle states that recidivism is reduced when the intensity and duration of interventions are matched with the offender’s risk to reoffend.
5. Criminogenic Need is a component of Risk.
6. Which of the following is NOT a Criminogenic Need?
Criminal Peers
Substance Abuse
Dysfunctional Family
History of criminal behavior
7. Responsivity is unrelated to the concepts of Risk and Need.
8. Problem-Solving Skills can be taught to clients and generalized to target different types of high risk behaviors.
9. All offenders Desist from crime at some point during their life span.
10. Which of the following is NOT a factor related to Desistance?
Believing that the probation officer has the offender’s best interests at heart
Developing enduring supports in life
Building connections in the community
Wanting to invest in life with more maturity
11. One way to encourage Desistance is to ask questions that investigate what the offender’s current Strengths mean to them.
12. When attempting to introduce new stabilizers into an offender’s life, it does not matter what activities the offender prefers or the goals they have for their crime-free future.
13. The movement from offender to a non-offender identity is an example of _____________.
Primary Desistance
Secondary Desistance
14. The offender’s perception of their likelihood for success will affect their motivation to change.
15. The Change Process includes resistance, ambivalence, motivation, and relapse.
16. Which of the following is NOT an example of Sustain talk?
“I don’t think that anger is really my problem”
"I tried to get a job, but I can’t do it.”
“I heard about a new job and I am planning to apply for it.”
“This is just the way I am.”
17. Which of the following is part of the SAC acronym?
Seek out, Affirmations, Cope
Stabilizers, Avoid, Collaborate
Seek out, Avoid, Cope
Stabilizers, Affirmations, Cope
18. Which of the following is a form of discord?
Squaring off
All of the above
19. Steps to enhancing the case plan should involve the offender in reviewing risk and needs assessments, identifying destabilizers, and deciding on the goals of supervision.
20. When developing the case plan, which of the following should NOT be incorporated?
Special conditions imposed by the court
Target behaviors
Current offense
The offender’s interests
21. The meeting structure involves the PO checking in with the client, reviewing areas from the previous meeting, and providing encouragement.
22. The goal of reinforcement is to strengthen the desired behavior and increase the likelihood that it will be repeated.
23. Optional strategies for avoiding offending MUST…
Focus on negative consequences and identifying options that have negative costs
Contradict the negative effects of offending behavior
Enhance motivation for desistance by offering positive reinforcement for non-criminal behavior
None of the above
Case Scenario 1– Tim Smith
Tim is a moderate-risk offender on parole for drunk driving. He has a friend by the name of David that is also on parole for DUI. While Tim does not have a long criminal history, this is his third time having contact with the criminal justice system. Tim is mandated by the court to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, which he does regularly. Tim also meets with his PO, PO Garner. Tim has recently enrolled in GED classes and expressed a desire to find a job. However, Tim has not been able to find a job that he enjoys. Tim has been in a new relationship for the past two months. Tim tells PO Garner that although he and his girlfriend get along most of the time, for the last week they have been arguing a lot. Tim expresses that because of this arguing he wants to drink to get over his anger. Tim also admits that he has been hanging out with David more since he started having relationship problems.

24. What would Tim’s Risk/Need Assessment identify as Problem Behaviors?
Antisocial attitude
Substance use disorder
History of violent crime
Housing instability
25. Which of the following factors is a Destabilizer that may negatively affect Tim’s ability to follow through on supervision requirements? (check all that apply)
Substance use
Anti-social peers
All of the above

26. Which of the following factors might be considered Stabilizers in Tim’s life? (check all that apply)
Attending GED classes
Family support
Stable employment
All of the above

27. How should PO Garner respond to Tim? (check all that apply)
Help Tim problem solve his relationship troubles
Help Tim consider alternatives to hanging out with David
Strengthen pro-social support network
All of the above

28. Which of the following is a short-term step that Tim should take to promote building pro-social supports? (check all that apply)
Hang out more with David
Stop attending AA meetings
Tim should seek out a supportive sponsor at AA
All of the above

Case Scenario 2– Daniel Taylor
In the past, Daniel, age 34, has been reluctant to take responsibility for his behavior, including the events that led to his convictions for dangerous driving, driving on a suspended license, and manslaughter. While high on drugs and alcohol, Daniel drove at speeds above 100 mph, showing off for the passengers of the car, who were screaming for him to slow down. The car crash fatally injured his girlfriend, but paramedics’ testimony suggests that she probably would have survived if he had gotten medical attention for her right away. Daniel served time in prison for the convictions.

Daniel has been out of prison for a few years and has a job as a repairman and assistant manager at a mechanic’s shop. He regularly meets with his PO. He and his new girlfriend moved in together recently and are thinking about buying new furniture together.

In some ways, Daniel does not seem too different from before. He still enjoys partying with his friends and he is saving up money to buy a motorcycle. Lately, however, Daniel has been trying to stay away from drugs, including attending Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings on a regular basis. Daniel still drinks alcohol at parties, but he always makes sure not to drive afterwards. Daniel is also making reasonable plans for his future with his girlfriend and taking advice from his boss, his NA sponsor, and other supportive people in his life.

29. Which of the following factors might be considered Stabilizers in Daniel’s life? (check all that apply)
Having good friends to party with
Drinking alcohol
Planning for the future with his girlfriend
Narcotics Anonymous sponsor

30. Which of the following activities is an example of Daniel making changes to the way he thinks about himself and his responsibilities? (check all that apply)
Attending Narcotics Anonymous
Buying a motorcycle
Living with his girlfriend and planning for the future
Finding a good job

31. Commitment to change is an Internal Desistance Factor for Daniel.
32. Continued drug use is an External Desistance Factor for Daniel.
33. Where is Daniel in the change process?
Resistant to change
Ambivalent to change
Actively desisting
None of the above
34. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following. (Fill in one for each row)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
a. During the CHAMPS study, my coach observed me during contacts with offenders either in person or over the phone.
b. My coach seemed uncomfortable conducting observations.
c. Overall, I think my experience being observed was valuable.
d. I felt comfortable being observed.
e. The role of a coach is different than the role of a supervisor.
f. My coach provided useful feedback after observing me.
g. I do not think the observations were very useful.
h. My coach was knowledgeable about the skills for which they were providing feedback.
i. When my coach gave me feedback on skills the rationale for the recommendation was tied to what I learned in the e-course/Next Generation training.
j. My coach followed up on recommendations made to me in previous observations.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
k. My coach recognized that not all skills were applicable in all observations.
l. I have the skills to implement all of the recommendations my coach made.
m. My coach gave me positive feedback when I used skills appropriately.
n. I felt comfortable discussing my frustrations using skills with my coach.
o. My coach gave examples of how I could have used skills in particular situations.
p. My coach adjusted their expectations and/or framed their recommendations based on the difficulty level or resistance of my clients.
q. My coach referred to specific evidence-based practices when providing feedback.
r. My coach gave me feedback that was clear and constructive.
s. My coach was able to answer questions I had about the e-course/Next Generation materials.
t. My coach and I discussed the extent to which my use of skills during observations were consistent with EBPs taught in the e-course/Next Generation
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
u. My coach and I set goals for developing my use of skills.
v. I understood how to improve my use of skills based on the feedback and recommendations from my coach.
w. My coach is skilled at using techniques learned in e-course/Next Generation.
x. My coach took sufficient time to provide me with feedback on my observations.
y. My coach encouraged me to develop new skills.
z. My coach helped me solve difficult issues with the offenders on my caseload.
aa. When offenders on my caseload focused on their past my coach recommended I focus on the offender’s case plan on current reasons for offending behavior.
bb. My coach discussed using the behavioral offense chain to identify offenders’ triggers and problem behaviors.
cc. My coach rarely discussed prior observations or prior feedback during subsequent observations.
dd. My coach discussed interventions for offenders that target their criminogenic needs.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
ee. My coach and I spent more time discussing skills that I had difficulty using.
ff. My coach asked me about following up with offenders on my caseload who I had referred for services.
gg. My coach asked me how I could include the offender in developing their case plan.
hh. My coach and I discussed how to identify and respond to indications of problem behaviors.
ii. When I discussed a particular problem with an offender, my coach and I discussed the plan I put in place to address the problem in subsequent contacts.
jj. When I discussed events in offenders’ past during contacts my coach asked me how these events contribute to the offenders’ current problems.
35. In the last 30 days, how many times have you talked with your coach about Next Generation skills?
36. Has this number of times talking with your coach been consistent for the last 6 months?
37. In the last 30 days, how many times has your coach observed you with a parolee?
38. Has this number of times being observed by your coach been consistent for the last 6 months?
39. In the last 30 days, how many times have you received feedback from your coach about recorded sessions?
40. Has this number of times receiving feedback from your coach been consistent for the last 6 months?
* 41. What is your email address?
42. What is your job title?
43. Do you work in a special unit?
43a. If yes, please specify which special unit you work in:
44. What is the highest academic degree you hold? (Check one)
HS diploma
Other (specify)
45. Do you hold any professional credentials, certifications, or licenses?
45a. If yes, please specify professional credentials, certifications, or licenses you hold:
46. How would you describe yourself? (Check all that apply)
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian/Pacific Islander
Black or African-American

47. What is your age?
48. What is your gender? (Check one)
* 49. How many years have you worked for this organization?
* How many months have you worked for this organization?
50. What is your typical caseload size?
51. What type of training have had you in the past two years? (check all that apply)
Motivational Interviewing
Thinking for a Change (T4C)

52. Have you taken the desistance e-course?
Finished fewer than four modules
Finished more than four modules
Completed the course
53. Have you completed the 3-day Next Generation training?
54. Have you completed any booster sessions?
Yes, 1-2
Yes, 3-4
Yes, 5 or more