Exit Survey
Thank you for your recent participation in a Center for Leadership Excellence program, "Creating a Partnership with Your Manager". Please take a few moments to provide us with your feedback so we can continue to provide exceptional development opportunities to the UVA community.

We appreciate your time and input.

- The CLE Team

Thank you for your recent participation in a Center for Leadership Excellence program, "Creating a Partnership with Your Manager". Please take a few moments to provide us with your feedback so we can continue to provide exceptional development opportunities to the UVA community.

We appreciate your time and input.

- The CLE Team

* This program met my expectations.
Did not meet my expectations
Somewhat met my expectations
Met my expectations
Somewhat exceeded my expectations
Greatly exceeded my expectations
* The knowledge and skills learned in this program will help me to develop my career.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
* How likely are you to recommend CLE programs to colleagues?
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Additional Comments:
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at future sessions!