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Hi Modern Apps Peeps,

Our next developer session is on March, 10th:

When No One Is Looking
Catalyzing Quality

Please finish this survey by COB this Friday. It will make our dev session become more personalized hence more interesting for you and everyone else attending.

APPROACH: Please answer the questions without any research. Answer them as you go.

Could you explain to a software engineer students what "quality" means, in a way they understand it?
No, I would be unable to explain it.
I would try, but feel unconfident.
I need to do research before explaining it to someone.
I would, but would have to think first to feel confident.
Yes, that would be easy.
Define the term "quality" in your own words. Choose ten or less words.
What is your strongest personal quality skill?
How much of your professional software development time goes towards bug investigation and bug fixing?
Nearly 100 % of my time
Roughly 75 % of my time
Roughly 50 % of my time
Roughly 25 % of my time
Nearly 0 % of my time
Which is your best software tool to create quality software?
Which is your best software method to create quality software?
What quality skill would you like to master?
Thank you for participating! See you at the developer session on March, the 10th.
When No One Is Looking – Catalyzing Quality – Sven Obermaier, March 2016